Reviewing Inspection Details

You keep track of the details for an inspection, including the inspection location, schedule, results, and contact information, on the Inspection Detail page.

This example illustrates the Inspection Detail page for an inspection. The fields are described in the following table.

Inspection Detail page

Agency staff can access details for a permit inspection from the permits in the transactions list or through task management on their desktop or laptop. This topic discusses accessing inspection details for a permit from the agency Transactions page. For information about accessing inspection details from the Task Management page, see Viewing Assigned Inspections.

When you perform an inspection using Oracle Inspector on your phone, you access the inspection details from your inspection task calendar. For more information, see Working with Inspection Details.

Reviewing the Inspection Details for a Permit

To navigate to details for an inspection from the permit list:

  1. Select the Permits tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Transactions - Permits page, click the row for the permit application you are working with.

  3. Click Inspections in the left navigation panel to open the list of inspections in the right panel. Click the three-dot Actions menu and select View Details.

  4. On the Inspection Detail page, review the address, inspection location and the permit description. You can also review inspection information in these sections:

    Page Elements


    Schedule section

    Review the following information about the inspection schedule:

    • Inspection status.

    • Scheduled Date

    • Inspector Arrival: Shows the time or timeframe in which the inspector will arrive. The display of the value is based on the settings on the Permit Type page.

      • If the Enable Scheduled Time Range switch is turned on, then the scheduled time for an inspection shows as a time range instead of a precise time value. For example, Morning.

      • If the Enable Scheduled Time Range switch is turned off, then the scheduled time for an inspection shows as a time value. For example, 11:00 AM.

      For more information, see Setting Up Inspections for a Permit Type under the topic Setting Up Permit Types.

    • ETA: Shows the expected time of arrival of the inspector, if the inspector has updated the information.

      This field is not visible if the value is not updated.

    • The method of scheduling such as Interactive Voice Response (IVR), manual, automatic, online (from a public user), data migration, or upgrade.

    • The name of the person who created the inspection and the date.

    • Name of the person who last updated the schedule and the date.

    For more information about inspection schedules, see Requesting Inspections.

    Result section

    Review the inspection results, rating, score, and number of major violations of completed inspections.

    For more information about results, see Viewing Inspection Results.

    Contact section

    Review the contacts, including the assigned inspector, and the location contact and phone number, email address, or a text message. Any comments added by the requester during scheduling appear in this section.

    Signature section

    View the signatures added when the inspection is complete in the Oracle Inspector mobile application. Signatures are required depending on the inspection setup.

  5. To view a report of the inspection summary, click View Summary Report.

  6. To access other details about the permit, click the permit number link under the Inspection heading. For more information, see Working with Permit Details.

Recording Time for Inspections

Agency staff can use the Time Recording page to record the time they spend on inspections. For more information, see Adding Time Entries.