Viewing Business License Expiration

You can view expiration dates for different phases of the business license or business license application, which are calculated using the rules set up by your agency.

The expiration dates appear on the list of transactions that shows business license activity as well as on the license activity summary page. They also appear on the list of business licenses and the business license summary page.

In addition to expiration dates, you can see alerts. Here’s an example of the alerts you would see on the Transactions list page: If the expiration rule is set up to show that an unsubmitted application in a pending status is about to expire in 5 days due to inactivity, the expiration date displays Expires in 5 days on <date>. When the application expires, you’ll see Expired on <date>. You’ll see similar alerts on the Business Licenses list page.

Viewing the Activity Expiration Dates

Here’s how you can view expiration dates for the different business license transactions, such as applications and consultations:

  1. Select the Business License Transactions tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Transactions list page, you see the business license activity for the agency.

    Click Sort By and select Expiration Date to view the business license transactions sorted by expiration date. You can also use Filter By to filter the results based on expiration date.

  3. To view the expiration on the Activity Summary page of the business license, click the row for the business license on the Transactions list page. You’ll see the date next to the Expiration Date field. When the expiration date is reached, the status changes to Completed.

Viewing the License Expiration Dates

To view the expiration dates for issued business licenses:

  1. Select the Business Licenses tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Business Licenses list page, you see the business licenses issued by the agency.

    Click Sort By and select Expiration Date to view the business licenses sorted by expiration date. You can also use Filter By to filter the results based on expiration date.

  3. To view the expiration on the summary page of the business license, click the row for the business license on the Business License list page. You’ll see the date next to the Expiration Date field and the status, such as Active, in the Status field. When the license expires, the status changes to Expired.