Viewing Payments On Account

Agency staff can view payments on account on the Payments on Account page.

This example shows the Payments on Account page.

Example of the Payments on Account page

Reviewing and Refunding Payments on Account

  1. Select Billing and Payment > Payments on Account in the navigator.

    The Payment on Account page displays all of the payments on account resulting from cash drawer overpayments. You can search for and sort the payments by:

    • On Account Reference ID

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Payment Transaction ID

    • On Account Date

    • On Account Amount

    • Currency

    • On Account Status

  2. Select a payment on account to view additional details on the Payment on Account Details page.

    This example shows the Payment on Account Details page.

    Example of the Payment on Accounts Details page
  3. If the payment on account hasn't been refunded yet, the Initiate Refund button is available. Click it to initiate a refund for the overpayment. The Refund Status changes to Pending.

  4. Access the Refund History page to process the pending refund. For more information, see Viewing and Processing Refunds.

  5. Confirm that the payment's On Account Status shows as Refunded on the Payments on Account page.

    This example shows the status of a payment on account updated to Refunded.

    Example of the Payments on Account page after a refund is processed