Working with Electronic Plan Reviews

Your agency can conduct plan reviews that contain electronic plan review cycles.

Review cycles for a permit or planning application can be conducted with or without an integration with Bluebeam Studio™, an electronic document review tool. When you start a Studio Session, the plan review cycle is considered electronic. The next cycle can be manual or electronic.

Note: To set up a Bluebeam Studio™ integration, contact Oracle Support. You must also enable electronic plan reviews in the agency-level options for permits and planning applications.For the integration to work, add the email addresses for reviewers found in their agency staff profiles to the Bluebeam Studio™ Prime portal.

You can start a Studio Session when you add a new plan review cycle or at any time during a review cycle until the cycle is complete.

  1. Click Create Studio Session on the Add Plan Review page while adding a new plan review cycle or click Create Studio Session on the Plan Review page for the review cycle you're working with.

    Documents and reviewers already in the cycle are automatically added to the session. You can also add or delete documents and add reviewers during the Studio Session, but you can't delete reviewers. For more information, see Managing Plan Review Documents and Managing Plan Reviewers.

  2. Mark up documents in Bluebeam Studio™. When a document is copied back to the review cycle, the state in the Documents grid is Marked Up.

  3. When all reviewers have provided a decision, the Finalize Session button is enabled. Click Finalize Session to complete an electronic cycle.

    During the finalization process, the marked up documents are copied back from Bluebeam Studio™. Documents marked up by reviewers are saved in the plan review documents grid and with the permit attachments. The documents can be copied into the next plan review cycle.