Setting Up Business License Tax Classes

Define the types of taxes that will be used to calculate taxes applicable to business licenses. You add a tax classification and associate various tax attributes on the Business License Tax Class page.

Tax classes define the tax attributes that will be applied to business licenses. Applicable taxes are calculated based on the values entered by registered users in their license application.

Adding Business License Tax Class Definitions

  1. Select Business License Setup > Business License Tax Class.

  2. On the Business License Tax Class page, click the Add button.

  3. On the Business License Tax Class detail page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element



    Enter an identifier of the business class.


    Enter a name for the tax class.


    Enter any information, such as details about the type of business to which this tax class can apply.

    Sequence Number

    Select a number to determine where in the list should this attribute appear on the business license application. For example, if the value 2 is selected, the attribute will be the second in the list.

    Tax Attribute

    Select a tax attribute that should apply to the business license.


    Enter a description about the tax attribute, which will be displayed in the business license application.

    The description helps public users understand the purpose of the tax applied.

    Applies To

    Select the license type to which the attribute will apply:

    • Origination: The attribute will be applicable to the origination license.

    • Renewal: The attribute will be applicable to the license when it is being renewed.

    You choose the attributes that should be displayed in the application according to the activity status of the business license — Origination and Renewal.

  4. Turn on the Enabled switch. The switch is turned off by default for new attributes.

  5. Click the Add icon to include a new attribute record. Use the Delete icon to remove the attribute row.

  6. Click Save.

Setting Up Meetings for Business Licenses

Agency staff such as specialists and business owners schedule meetings to discuss the necessary applications and approvals for the license procurement. Administrators set up and manage meeting templates to determine meeting parameters. See Setting Up Meetings.