Using the Page Finder

This topic provides an overview of the navigation feature named page finder, and it describes how to use its features.

The Page Finder is a navigation feature an agency user accesses by clicking the Page Finder button in the header.

Page Finder icon

The Page Finder displays icons:

  • For all the pages to which a user has access. Users can click the icon to navigate directly to the page.

  • In alphabetical order.

  • In a “flattened” format, meaning each page link appears on its own — not within the menu folder/menu item hierarchy like you see in the Navigator menu. The Page Finder does not display menu folders.

This example illustrates the Page Finder interface with a description surrounding the image.

Page Finder default display showing links to all pages to which a user has access.
Note: The system does not display the Page Finder on smartphones (small form factor devices).
Note: The screen size and/or browser window size determines the number of icons in each row, displaying a maximum of five icons across with a minimum of four.
Note: The Page Finder is available only for agency users, not for public users.

Searching within the Page Finder

Depending on the number of pages to which a user has access, the Page Finder may contain numerous icons within it. To find icons in the Page Finder:

  • Use the scroll bar on the right-hand side of the Page Finder (when displayed).

  • Type the full or partial name of the page into the Search field at the top of the Page Finder to reduce the number of page links displayed.

Page Finder displaying only links meeting search box criteria.

Closing the Page Finder

Once opened, you can dismiss the Page Finder by:

  • Clicking the Close Page Finder button in the upper-right-hand corner.

  • Clicking on an icon.