Setting Up Process Definition Groups

Set up a group that defines the processes for the Code Enforcement workflows and allows you to enable or disable the workflow transactions.

You have to set up a workflow using the Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) before associating the workflow with Code Enforcement transactions. Code Enforcement transactions have two workflow setups: incident workflow and case workflow. The Process Definition Group page allows you to select the OIC setups available to use for these workflows. You can use this page to enable or disable the Code Enforcement workflows associated with the process definition group.

Note: Based on your organization's business needs, you can configure workflows for either incident or case or for both incident and case.

For more information, see Setting Up Process Definitions for Workflow.

To set up process definition groups:

  1. Select Code Enforcement Setup > Process Definition Group

  2. Click the Add button, on the Process Definition Group page.

  3. Enter values for the following fields, on the Process Definition Group page:

    Page Element


    Group ID

    Enter a unique identifier for this Process Definition Group.


    Turn on this switch to enable the workflow for this Process Definition Group.


    Enter the space where the workflow process application is stored. You can group related applications in a space as well as enable users to collaborate when developing applications.


    Enter the name of the workflow process application in OIC. For more information, see Creating and Managing Applications.


    Enter the version of the workflow process application.

    Note: If you update the version, the new version will apply only to issues submitted after the new version has gone into effect. The existing submitted issues will continue to use the version that was effective at the time they were submitted.

    Process Definition ID

    Enter the name of the workflow process definition that applies to the incident or case.

    Global Task ID

    Enter the name of the global task available within the process definition selected.

    Issue Subtype Details

    Use this section to identify the issue subtypes that use the current process definition group.