Setting Up Stop Process Actions

This topic describes how to prevent processes from being executed based on your business rule. For example, you can stop a final inspection from being created, scheduled, or assigned if fees are due for a transaction.

The Stop Process action is supported for these Business Rules Framework events:

Event Attribute




Business Licenses

Business Object


Business License Inspection

Event Name

Before Inspection Saved

Before Business License Inspection Saved

While the Business Rules Framework can be used to stop the creation or update of a final inspection when there is a permit fee balance due, other conditions can be evaluated based on the Criteria setup in the rule that can result in a Stop Action.

To configure a Stop Process action:

  1. Expand the Criteria section of the Business Rules Details page.

    For more information on setting up criteria, see Setting Up Business Rule Criteria.

  2. Make sure your statements reference the applicable attributes in the business object.

    For example, this example illustrates how you can set up your criteria sequence to confirm the inspection being scheduled is the final inspection and that there is no outstanding fee balance:

    ${Fee Balance Due} != "0"

    AND ${Final Inspection} = "Y"

  3. Expand the Actions section of the Business Rules Details page.

  4. Click Add.

  5. From the Action Name drop-down list, select Stop Process.

  6. Click Configure.

  7. Enter the text to include in the message that displays to the user if the action is triggered.

    This example illustrates including custom message text.

    Configure Stop Process Action

    In this example, the Stop Process action prevents the final inspection from being created, scheduled, or assigned, and it displays a message to alert the user in the following format:

    The process has stopped due to this reason: {CUSTOM_MESSAGE_TEXT}.

    Where {CUSTOM_MESSAGE_TEXT} is the text you enter in the Message Body field.

    This example illustrates the error message displayed when you attempt to schedule a final inspection for a permit. The configured business rule stipulates that the entire fee balance must be paid, and in this case there is a remaining balance.

    Stop Process Error Message
    Note: The Stop Process action is triggered only during a request for a final inspection, or when a final inspection is being scheduled or assigned. It is not triggered during import, migration, or when an inspection is canceled or updated. Also, keep in mind that the Stop Process action isn’t triggered by requests sent from the Oracle Inspector mobile app, however requests sent from a browser running on a mobile device will trigger the Stop Process action.