Code Enforcement Workflow Basics

This topic introduces you to the elements in a OCI Process Automation dynamic process definition used in Oracle Permitting and Licensing Code Enforcement offering.

Code Enforcement Workflow Overview

Adding workflow to Code Enforcement transactions enables you to automate the progression through the stages and activities and incident or case process flow. Oracle Permitting and Licensing offerings use the OCI Process Automation for designing workflow process definitions and running the workflow engine that drives transaction automation. Before you begin implementing workflow for Code Enforcement, it is imperative that you become familiar with the Processes feature in OCI Process Automation.

For more information on the OCI Process Automation Processes feature, see Using Processes in Oracle Integration.

How Code Enforcement implements workflow is a little different than the way other Oracle Permitting and Licensing offerings do. Permits, Planning and Zoning and Business Licenses use a structured process design, which is suitable for more linear, sequential transaction flows. The Code Enforcement transaction flows can contain stages and activities that don't necessarily occur in a set order, with some may occurring at the same time, while others may not occur at all.

Because of the non-sequential nature of a typical Code Enforcement transaction flow, you will create a dynamic process design. The dynamic process design is a departure from the structured "step 1, step 2, step 3" approach to process design. With a dynamic process definition, you define the stages and activities of the process flow, but you don't define any particular order. You define conditions that drive when or if a particular stage or activity becomes activated, providing the flexibility the Code Enforcement offering requires.

For more information on dynamic processes, see Develop Dynamic Processes.

Note: Oracle provides a Solution Package with sample workflow configurations. It is highly recommended that you clone these samples and use them as starting points to create your own workflow.