Adding Time Entries

Agency staff can record the time that they spend working on transactions for the purposes of billing and reporting.


You can access time entry on a mobile device as well as on a laptop or desktop computer. The layout and some functionality changes based on the device you are using.

Accessing Time Entry

You add time entries directly on the respective pages for the transaction you are working on. For example, you can enter the time you spend working on a permit inspection using the Time Recording page of the inspection details.

This is an example of a Time Recording page in the case details

Example of a Time Recording page

Additionally, you can quickly access transactions using the Time Recording tile on the Agency Springboard. This page displays transactions that you are assigned to or that you have already recorded time against.

This is an example of a Time Recording page accessed from the agency springboard

Example of a Time Recording page accessed from the Agency Springboard

By default, this page displays permit and planning transactions that aren't in a terminal status (Completed, Denied, Certificate of Occupancy, Void, or Withdrawn). For example, it won’t display expired permit inspections or completed plan review cycles. Turn on the Show All Statuses switch to show all transactions assigned to you regardless of status.

Click a row to access the transaction page where you can enter your time.

Adding a Time Entry

  1. Access the transaction that you want to add time for.

  2. Click Add Time.

    This example illustrates the Time Details page for a case

    Time Details page
  3. On the Time Details page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element



    Enter the agency user name of the person performing the task. Staff who have the ability to enter time for others, such as billing supervisors, can select any agency staff member in this field. All other agency staff automatically have their name populated in this field and can’t change it.

    Time Type Code

    Enter the time entry type code that you want to use. The page displays the category and subcategory associated with the code that you select in the Category and Subcategory fields, respectively. The time entry type code also determines the default values of the Billable and Assess Now switches on this page and whether those default values can be changed.

    For more information on time entry types, see Setting Up Time Entry Types.


    Select the date that you’re entering time for. The current date is the default value.

    Hours and Minutes

    Enter the amount of time you spent on the transaction in hours and minutes. You can select 0 to 23 in the Hours field and 0 to 59 in the Minutes field.

    Bill Rate

    Displays the bill rate in USD associated with job title in the user profile of the agency staff. For more information, see Defining Job Titles.

    Override Bill Rate

    Enter an amount in USD that overrides the default bill rate in fee calculations. Only agency staff with time recording management roles have permission to override the job title bill rate in the time details.


    Use this switch to indicate whether the time is billable. Whether this switch is turned on by default or can be overridden is determined by the time entry type that you select.

    Assess Now

    Use this switch to indicate whether the fees associated with this time entry are assessed immediately when you save it.


    This switch appears only for staff who have the ability to enter time for others. It is disabled when the Billable switch is turned off.

    Total Fees

    Displays the fees associated with the time entry, whenever applicable.


    Enter any additional information you want to record for the time entry.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying a Time Entry


Agency staff with permission to assess fees can modify or delete a time entry until the fees associated with it have been paid. They can add or update comments for a time entry until its associated transaction reaches terminal status such as Completed or Denied.

Staff without permission to assess fees can't modify or delete a time entry once fees have been assessed for it.

  1. Click a time entry row.

  2. On the Time Details page you can:

    • Edit the time entry fields.

    • Delete the time entry. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

  3. Click Save.