Assessing Fees for Time Entries

Agencies can bill for time spent by their staff working on transactions.

Fees are automatically calculated when time is recorded. Agencies can charge at different hourly rates by setting up bill rates for each job title for use in fee formulas. Each staff person has one job title in their user profile and the associated bill rate appears when recording time. Agency staff with time recording management roles have permission to override the job title bill rate in the time details.

For more information about permissions and security, see Security Details for Recording and Billing Time.

Time entries with the Assess Now switch turned on are immediately assessed when they’re saved and appear in the Fees and Payments page for the transaction. If the switch is turned off, an agency staff member must assess the fee explicitly.

You assess fees on the Time Recording page for a transaction.

This is an example of the Time Recording page for a permit.

Example of the Time Recording page for a permit

This page has three tabs:

  • The Recorded Time tab displays all recorded time entries for the transaction.


    You can add time entries on this tab for planning applications.

  • The Unassessed tab displays all time entries for which fees have not yet been assessed.

  • The Assessed tab displays time entries for which fees have already been assessed.

Assessing Fees for Time Entries

  1. Access the Unassessed tab of the Time Recording page.

  2. Select the check box next to each time entry you want to assess.

  3. Click Assess Fees.

    The application moves the selected time entries from the Unassessed tab to the Assessed tab, and creates a fee for each fee item associated with each assessed time entry on the Fees and Payments page.

    For more information on the Fees and Payments page, see Working with Fees and Payments


    Even after a fee is assessed for a time entry, agency staff with permission to assess fees can modify it until one or more of the fees associated with the time entry has been paid.

Accessing Unassessed Time Fees from the Agency Springboard

You can quickly access transactions with unassessed fees using the Unassessed Time Fees tile on the agency springboard.

This example shows the Unassessed Time Fees page.

Unassessed Time Fees page

By default, this page displays transactions with unassessed fees that aren't in terminal status (that is, Completed, Denied, Certificate of Occupancy, Void, or Withdrawn). For example, it won’t display permits with expired inspections or completed plan review cycles. Turn on the Show All Statuses switch to show all transactions with unassessed fees.


Time entries with calculated fees of zero (0) do not appear on this page.

Click a row to access the Unassessed tab of the Time Recording page.