Loading Contractor Licenses and Contacts

You can use batch processing to load contractor license records manually from a file or through an integration with a licensing body. Merge options enable you to load a full file or update licenses matching those in the agency-maintained contractor list. You also have the option to load license contacts from a file.

Processing can be executed as needed, such as when you want to migrate contractor data from a legacy system, or on a scheduled basis to refresh license records in the contractor list. Staff with agency administrator or business analyst roles can configure the system for batch processing. Here's how batch load processing works:

  • Contractor licenses - The batch load process for contractor licenses replaces licenses, classifications, bonds, other bonds, and insurances already in the system if a match with this information is found. If an exact match isn't found, the process creates a new license. Any records not matching the rows are agency-managed rows and the agency must manually evaluate and remove records.

  • Contacts - The batch load process for contacts replaces license contacts already in the license details with the contact information from the file if there's a matching email, first name, middle name, and last name. If an exact match of email and name isn't found, the process creates a new license contact.

For more information, see Contractor License Overview.

Before You Begin

Oracle provides a prebuilt Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) integration to load licenses. You import a package and activate integration settings in OIC before you run batch processing.

For information about OIC configuration for an integration with a licensing body and connections for loading a file with license records, see Setting Up Contractor Integration and Preparing to Load Contractor Licenses.

Entering Parameters

  1. Select Contractors > Load Contractors.

  2. Click the Parameters tab on the Load Contractors page.

  3. In the Data to Load field, select the type of data that you want to load:

    • Licenses

    • Contacts

    • Licenses and contacts


    You can add contact information to the batch load layout from a file only. A license must exist to load the contacts.

  4. Enter these parameters for your batch process if your data type is Licenses.

    For loading Contacts and Licenses and contacts, the data source is File and the other options are not available.

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    Data Source

    Select an option to indicate the source of the license records that you want to load:

    • File – Processing picks up license information from a file to merge with license records.

    • Integration service – Processing connects with a licensing body through an integration service to get the license file and merge license records.

    Merge Option

    Select how you want to merge the data from the source with your system:

    The Entire file option works in two ways:

    • Loads any new licenses from the file that do not exist in the contractor list.

    • Updates existing licenses in the contractor list from the file.

    Use the Contractor list option to update licenses that already exist in the contractor list. The process skips licenses that don't exist in the contractor list.

    Period in Which Licenses Were Last Updated

    Identify which records you want to merge by when they were last updated. For example, if you want to merge the records from the source that were updated in the last two weeks, select the number 2 and the unit of time, Weeks.

    • Select a number 1 or greater.

    • Select a unit of time, including None, Days, Weeks, or Months. If you don't want to load records based on a given period, select None.


    To identify licenses that were updated in the specified period only, the license data must have a last updated date. If a licensing body doesn't use a last updated date, select None.

Scheduling the Process

  1. Access the Schedule tab.

  2. To immediately add the process to the queue, select the As soon as possible option.

  3. To create a schedule for the process, select the Using a schedule option, and enter values using the following fields:

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    Select how frequently you want to run the process. Values are:

    • Once: Select to run the process one time only.

    • Hourly or minute: Select to run the process at regular time intervals.

    • Daily: Select to run the process at regular intervals in days.

    • Weekly: Select to run the process at regular intervals in weeks.

    • Monthly: Select to run the process on specific days of the month.

    • Yearly: Select to run the process during specific months.

    Start Date

    Enter the date on which you want to begin your scheduled processing.

    End Date

    Enter the date on which you want to end your scheduling processing.

    Hours and Minutes

    Enter the time interval between scheduled processes. For example, if you enter 2 in the Hours field and 30 in the Minutes field, the process will run every 2 hours and 30 minutes beginning on the specified start date.


    These fields are available only if you select a process frequency of Hours or Minutes.


    Enter the number of days between scheduled processes. For example, if you enter 3, the process will run every 3 days beginning on the specified start date.


    This field is available only if you select a process frequency of Daily.


    Enter the number of weeks between scheduled processes. For example, if you enter 6, the process will run every 6 weeks beginning on the specified start date.


    This field is available only if you select a process frequency of Weekly.

    Repeat – By day

    Select this option to run the process on specific days of the month irrespective of the date. For example, if you select the Secondand Wednesday options, the process will run on the second Wednesday of every month.

    You can select more than one week of the month and day of the week option. For example, you could schedule the process to run on the first and third Monday of every month.


    This option and its associated fields are available only if you select a process frequency of Monthly or Yearly.

    Repeat – By date

    Select this option to run the process on specific dates of the month. You can select more than one date.


    This option and its associated fields are available only if you select a process frequency of Monthly or Yearly.


    Select the months in which you want your process to run.


    This option and its associated fields are available only if you select a process frequency of Yearly.

Setting Up Process Notifications

You can set up the process to send notifications to you and others when it runs.

  1. Turn on the Notify Me When This Process Ends switch to send yourself a notification when the process finishes.

  2. Access Notification tab.

  3. Click Add.

  4. On the Create Notification page, enter the email address of the person you want to receive notifications.

    By default, the recipient receives a notification when the process ends with the following conditions:

    • On success

    • On error

    • On warning

    You can remove any of these process notification conditions.

  5. Click OK to save the notification recipient.

  6. (Optional) To delete a notification recipient, select the recipient in the Notification tab and click Delete.

Submitting the Process

Once you’ve entered your process parameters, scheduling information, and notification recipients, you’re ready to submit the process. Enter any additional information in the Submission Notes field and click Submit. Click Process Monitor to check the status of your process.