Performing Inspections on Oracle Inspector

Use the Oracle Inspector web application for mobile devices to perform a variety of inspections for permits and business license applications on a daily basis.

Oracle Inspector provides government field staff the ability to evaluate building code and other regulatory compliance using productivity tools on a mobile device.

Oracle Inspector is a progressive web application, which means that it's accessible through a URL rather than a download from an app store.

You will need to configure the URL using this example:


Inspectors and inspector supervisors can use the URL to access the Oracle Inspector web application from any smartphone or tablet.

From the browser that you use to access the URL, select the share icon. Choose the Add to home screen option to load the Oracle Inspector application tile on your smartphone or tablet's homescreen. This allows you to access the application by clicking the tile rather than entering the URL.


The Oracle Inspector web application featuring the Redwood Experience doesn't currently support working offline or access to viewing permit details.