Reporting Issues

When reporting an issue, a public user identifies the type of issue, provides the issue location, describes the issue, and answers any additional questions that the agency has configured.


Agency staff can also report issues. To do this, go to the agency springboard and select Report an Issue in the I Want To field, then click Go.

Here is a summary of the issue reporting process:

  1. On the public user landing page, the user clicks the Report an Issue tile to open the Select an Issue Type page.

    For the public user, this page lists the agency’s issue subtypes and a description to provide details.

    For the agency user, the list displays only the issue types and subtypes linked to the issue types, and not the description.

  2. The user can search for an issue type or select one from the list. Click Continue.


    If your agency’s configuration does not allow users to report incidents anonymously, the user is prompted to sign in before continuing to the remaining steps.

    After this point, the user navigates through the remaining steps using Next and Previous buttons. The user can’t go back to choose a different issue type or subtype. If the issue wasn’t properly classified, the user needs to cancel the report and start again. If an improperly classified report is submitted, agency staff can still assign a new issue type and subtype.

  3. On the Provide the Location of the Issue step, the user identifies the location using a searchable map.

    • The user can search for an address or location, and the map adjusts to place the specified location in the crosshairs.

    • The user can pan and zoom the map to identify the issue location more precisely, and the search bar automatically displays the address or the coordinates of the location in the map crosshairs.

      Sometimes the location on the map is identified using a range such as 100-120 Main Street. The user can update the address manually, if necessary.

    • If the location is outside of the agency’s boundary, a message instructs the user to change the location to one inside the agency’s limits.

      The user will not be able to submit an issue with a location that is outside the agency’s boundary.

  4. Click the Next button. On the Confirm location drawer, the user can review the address and add any additional details, such as an apartment number or directions to a specific location at an address. This information is optional if there is an address or location coordinates. When there is no address or location coordinates, additional address details are required.

    Click the Confirm button.

  5. On the Tell Us What's Going On step, the user describes the issue and optionally attaches photos, videos, audio files, or other attachments.

  6. On the Just a Few More Questions step, the user answers any additional questions defined by the agency.

    This step includes a Does this issue pose a health hazard or public safety risk? switch to indicate the urgency of the issue. Agencies can add additional questions as well.

  7. On the Provide Contact Information step, the user verifies their name, email, and phone information or chooses to hide this information.

    Default contact information comes from the user’s account. The user can keep these values, modify them, or turn on the Hide My Contact Information switch. Regardless of whether the user hides the information from agency staff, the information is never visible to the public.


    If the agency configures the system to require contact information from the person reporting the issue, the Hide My Contact Information switch is hidden and contact information is required. For information about this configuration option, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Code Enforcement.

  8. On the Review step, the user reviews all of the issue information.

    To make changes to the location, the user can click the Update button to go back to the Provide the Location of the Issue step. The review page is editable, so the user can make changes to the rest of the sections, and can also use the Previous button to return to earlier pages.


    The user can’t change the issue type or subtype after continuing past those steps.

  9. The user clicks Submit.

  10. A confirmation message with the issue number appears.

Note: The collapsible option isn't supported in the Redwood UI. Group boxes appearing in the Redwood UI intake forms can't be collapsed.