Reviewing and Claiming Cases

A case is created when an inspection results in a code violation or citation. Agency staff can create a case directly, without an incident being reported. Code enforcement technicians use the worklist to view a list of unassigned cases and claim them as necessary.

Code enforcement technicians have two options for reviewing and claiming cases:

  • Viewing a case summary on the Code Technician Worklist page and then clicking the Claim button.

    The code technician claiming an incident is by default the assigned technician for the case. This option is used for claiming a new case created directly — without a reported incident.

  • Using the Case Overview page to directly update the Technician Assigned field.

    Although this option is always available, it’s most useful for reassigning the case to another technician.

Reviewing and Claiming Cases Using the Code Technician Worklist

  1. From the agency springboard, click the Code Technician Worklist tile.

  2. Select the Unassigned Cases tab. This page lists all the unclaimed cases in the system.

  3. Review the following summary information about the case:

    Page Element



    This column displays:

    • The case ID that is assigned based on the agency’s autonumbering rules.

    • The issue type and subtype, separated by a hyphen.

    Creation Date

    Displays the date on which the case was created.


    Displays the location of the issue.

    Issue Description

    Displays the description of the case

    Case Status

    Displays the status of the case, for example, Compliance, Violation, Citation, and so on.

    Comply by

    Displays the last date to ensure compliance.

  4. If necessary, review the complete details for the case.

    1. Click the View More Details icon to access the Case page.

    2. On the Case page, review the information on the Overview, Details, Inspections, Notices, and other tabs. See Navigating to Case Details.

    3. Click the Back icon in the banner at the top of the page to return to the worklist, and re-navigate to the Unassigned Cases tab.

  5. Click the Claim button to claim the case.

    Claiming a case makes you the assigned technician. As the assigned code technician, you are now responsible for processing the case.

Reviewing Cases in the Case List

To review cases on the case list:

  1. From the agency springboard, click the Cases tile.

  2. If automatic routing or autoassignment is on, choose which cases to view.

    Page Element


    Show All Types

    This switch is visible to code enforcement technicians and supervisors when automatic routing is enabled.

    When the switch is off, these users see only their assigned cases and other cases in their area of responsibility, as determined by the issue types and subtype attributes for their job function.

    When the switch is on, the users can see all cases, regardless of their area of responsibility.

    Show All District Types

    This switch is visible only to code enforcement officers when autoassignment is enabled.

    When the switch is off, these users see only their assigned cases and other cases in their area of responsibility, as determined by the district type attributes for their job function.

    When the switch is on, the users can see all cases, regardless of their area of responsibility.

    Show All Statuses

    This switch is visible to code enforcement technicians and supervisors irrespective of whether automatic routing is enabled or not.

    By default, this switch is turned off, and the list shows only the cases in the Reported, Inspection, Violation statuses. Turn the switch on to show all cases including those in the Closed or Void statuses.

  3. Click the Create Case button, to create a new case. For details, see Creating a Case.

  4. Review the following summary information about cases:

    Page Element



    The case ID that is assigned based on the agency’s autonumbering rules.

    Issue Type, Issue Subtype

    The issue type and subtype.

    Case Status

    The case status.

    Issue Description

    A description of the issue.

    Creation Date

    The date on which the case was created.

    Address, and City

    Displays the case address and the case’s city.

    District Type, and District

    Displays the case’s district type and district.

    Code Technician

    Displays the name of the Code Technician, if any, assigned to this case.

    Code Officer

    Displays the name of the Code Officer, if any, assigned to this case.


    Displays the three-dot actions menu.

    For information about the actions in the menu, see Processing Incidents.


    Grids are rendered in either a condensed or expanded format based on the FSM option selection made by the agency during implementation. On the case list, each agency staff member can now personalize expanded grids to display information in a manner that suits their own requirement. See Personalizing Grid Displays.

  5. Click the case row to access the case details page.

    To return to the case list, click the Back icon in the banner.

    For more information about the Case detail page, see Viewing the Case Detail Overview.

Reviewing and Claiming Cases on the Case Detail Page

  1. Select the Cases tile on the Agency Springboard, then click View More Details for a specific case.

  2. In the Overview section of the Case page, search and select a code technician from the Technician Assigned field.


The new assignment is saved immediately. You do not need to explicitly save, nor do you have an option to cancel the change.

Updating Status of a Case

Agency staff can update the status of a case to perform other actions based on the transaction status. With this option, agency users with the appropriate access can even update the status of a closed case to reopen and reestablish it with a new status. Once reopened, you can edit or update the case to reassign, claim, or perform other available actions.


The Update Status option is available only if your agency has enabled the Available to Manually Select as New Status option on the Transaction Status page. If the option is disabled, the case status changes are triggered only by the code enforcement workflow.

You can update a case from either the case list page or the from the Case Overview page.

To update a case from the case list page:

  1. Click the Cases tile on the agency springboard.

  2. On the Cases page, find the case for which you want to update the status.

    Note: To search for a case in the Closed status, turn on the Show All Statuses switch.
  3. Click the Actions icon in the case row.

  4. Select Update Status from the menu.

  5. In the Update Status pop-up window, select the new status for the case from the available options in the drop-down menu.

  6. Enter the reason for the update.

  7. Click Done.

To update a case from the Case Overview page:

  1. Click the Cases tile on the agency springboard.

  2. On the Cases page, find the case for which you want to update the status.

  3. Click the case row to access the Case Overview page.

  4. Click the Edit icon next to the Case Status field.

  5. In the Update Status pop-up window, select the new status for the case from the available options in the drop-down menu.

  6. Enter the reason for the update.

  7. Click Done.