Setting Up Apply Condition Actions

This topic describes how to apply conditions to transactions and other business objects automatically based on your business rule.

A condition indicates a dependency or contingency for completing the application process. You can apply conditions automatically with the Business Rules Framework using these actions:

  • Apply Transaction Condition: applies to the overall application transaction, such as permit or planning and zoning application.

  • Apply Parcel Condition: applies to the parcel associated with a transaction.

  • Apply Address Condition: applies to the address associated with a transaction.


Applying person or contractor license conditions aren't yet available to be triggered by the Business Rules Framework.

For more information on conditions, see Setting Up Conditions and Applying Conditions to Applications.

To configure an Apply Condition action:

  1. Expand the Criteria section of the Business Rules Details page.

    For more information on setting up criteria, see Setting Up Business Rule Criteria.

  2. Make sure your criteria statements reference the applicable attributes in the business object resource.

    For example, this example illustrates sample criteria for the Apply Condition action. Details are in the surrounding text.

    ${Permit Type} = "SM-PLUMBING-02
    AND ${Permit Status} = "Submitted"
  3. Expand the Actions section of the Business Rules Details page.

  4. Click Add.

  5. From the Action Name drop-down list, select the condition action.

  6. Click Configure.

  7. Select the condition you want to apply from the Condition Name search field.

    To view or manage conditions, click the Access Conditions link, which takes you to the Conditions page.

  8. For parcel and address conditions, you can also select these transaction options.

    This example illustrates the additional transaction options available for non-transaction related conditions.

    Apply condition transaction options
    • Apply Conditions to Transactions: Turn on to apply the condition also to new associated transactions (such as a permit application).

    • Include In-Process Transactions: Turn on to apply the condition also to new and already submitted transactions.