Setting Up Issue Subtypes

Code enforcement issue subtypes are the lowest level of categorization for code enforcement issues. When you set up an issue subtype, you also create the intake form and define processing rules for issues that are reported under this subtype.

Adding an Issue Subtype

To create a new issue subtype:

  1. Select Code Enforcement Setup > Issue Subtype.

  2. On the Issue Subtype page, click Add.
  3. On the Issue Subtype Details page, enter the following general information about the issue subtype:

    Page Element


    Issue Subtype ID

    Enter a unique alphanumeric code for the issue subtype. Do not use special characters, including symbols or punctuation, or spaces.

    Issue Subtype

    Enter a short name for the issue subtype.

    Issue Type ID

    Select the issue type that represents the broad category under which this issue subtype falls.

    Only active issue types are available for selection. If an issue type is later inactivated, the issue type and all of its associated issue subtypes become unavailable to public users.


    When you select an issue type ID, and if this issue type is already associated with a process definition group, then the Process Definition Group field in this page gets auto populated.


    Select from the following to indicate the issue subtype status:

    • Preliminary: The issue subtype is being defined but is not available for use.

    • Ready: The issue subtype is ready for testing or production use, depending on the environment.

    • Void: The issue subtype is no longer available.


    The issue subtype can be set to ready regardless of whether the intake form is in published status or draft status. A form in draft status can be accessed for testing purposes in the development or test environment.

    Valid From Date

    Enter the first date that the issue subtype is available.

    Valid To Date

    Enter the last date that the issue subtype is available. The default value is Open, indicating that the issue subtype will remain available indefinitely.

    Public User Enabled

    Select from the following to indicate which types of users can access the intake form outside of the form designer:

    • Enabled for all users: Both registered public users and agency users can access the intake form.

    • Enabled for registered users: Both registered public users and agency users can access the intake form.

    • Not enabled for public users (default): Only agency users can access the intake form.


    Enabled for all users and Enabled for registered users provide equivalent access.

    For more information, see Publishing Intake Forms.

    Case Autonumber Rule

    Select the autonumbering rule to increment numbers for cases based on this issue subtype.

    For information, see Setting Up Autonumbering.

    Incident Autonumber Rule

    Select the autonumbering rule to increment numbers for incidents based on this issue subtype.

    Fee Schedule

    Select the fee schedule to use for citations based on this issue subtype.

    For more information, see Creating Decision Models for Fees.

    Group ID

    Select the notice group to use when generating notices for a case based on this issue subtype.

    For more information see Setting Up Notice and Report Groups.

    District Type

    Select the code enforcement district type to be used for incidents with this issue subtype.

    For example, if issues with this subtype are handled by the fire department and inspected based on fire prevention districts, then the district type might be your fire prevention district type.


    Select an icon for the tile that public users click when reporting issues with this subtype.

    Process Definition Group

    Click the look-up prompt to view a list of enabled Process Definition Groups for this issue subtype. Here, you can search for and select a Process Definition Group ID to associate with this issue subtype.


    If the issue type for this issue subtype is already associated with a process definition group, then this field gets auto populated when you enter the issue type ID.

    To clear an auto populated group ID, click the look-up prompt to open the Process Definition Group page. Search for and select another group ID to associate with this issue subtype.

    Click the Group Setup link next to the Process Definition Group field, to set up a new group or edit an existing one. The Process Definition Group page opens in a new tab.


    All issue subtypes need not be associated with Process Definition Groups.


    Enter a description of the issue subtype. This description appears on the back of the tile that users click when reporting issues with this subtype.

  4. Click Save.

    When the issue is saved:

    • The Design Form button is activated and the Form Status appears at the top of the page.

    • The Code Reference Group and Time-Based Rules sections appear.

  5. Review the read-only Form Status, which indicates whether the intake form is published or in development.

    These are the status values for the intake form:

    • Draft: The form design is incomplete. Form designs in draft status are not migrated to other environments and can’t be cloned.

    • Published: The form design is complete. Form designs in published status can be migrated to other environments and can be cloned.

  6. Configure the list in the Code Reference Group section.
    1. Expand the section and review the default values, if any.

      The default values come from the associated issue type. For more information, see Setting Up Issue Types.

      If your agency does not have default code reference groups, a blank row appears.

    2. For each code reference group, review or enter the following settings:

      Page Element


      Group ID

      Select the code reference group with the code references to be included by default in notices of violation that are based on this issue subtype. The person who generates the notice can remove specific code references from the notice.


      Turn this switch on to make the code reference group available for issues with this subtype.

    3. To add additional code reference groups to this issue subtype, click the Add icon and enter information in the new row.

    4. To remove code reference groups from the issue subtype, click the Delete icon.

  7. Configure the list in the Time-Based Rules section.

    This section displays rows for all of the due date types that are defined in the issue type. You can’t add or remove rows. Instead, you must supply a time rule for each due date.

    For more information about time rules, see Setting Up Time Rules.

    To set up time rules for the issue subtype:

    1. Expand the section and review the default values.

      The default values come from the issue type that you entered when creating the subtype. Changing the issue type does not update these values.

    2. For each rule, review or enter the following settings:

      Page Element


      Due Date Type ID

      Displays the unique identifier for the type of due date.

      Due Date Type

      Displays the description of the type of due date — for example, Incident review date.

      Time Rule ID

      Select the time rule ID that specifies how the due date is calculated. The time rule ID includes a time policy that states how many days or hours until the due date.

      Time rules IDs are available for selection if they have the specified due day type and they are enabled.

  8. Click Save if you made any changes in the sections for code reference groups and time-based rules.

  9. Create the issue intake form for this issue subtype.


    Oracle provides a template for code enforcement intake forms. Even if you plan to use the delivered form as-is, you still need to go through the process of creating the form based on the delivered template.

    1. Click the Design Form button.

    2. Review the default issue intake form and add any user-defined fields to the drop zone on the Just a Few More Questions page tab.

    3. Save the form, and when you’re done designing the form, publish it.

    For detailed instructions on creating the issue intake form, see Using the Intake Form Designer for Code Enforcement.

  10. To make the issue subtype available to end users:

    1. Return to the Issue Subtype Detail page.

    2. Confirm that the Public User Enabled field is either Enabled for all users or Enabled for registered users.

    3. Change the Status to Ready.

    4. Click Save.

Modifying an Issue Subtype

To modify an issue subtype:

  1. Select Code Enforcement Setup > Issue Subtype.

  2. Click the row for the issue subtype you want to modify.

    The Issue Subtype Detail page appears. Because the issue subtype has already been saved, the page displays all fields, including the sections for Code Reference Group and Time-Based Rules.

  3. Make any necessary updates to the issue subtype.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Use the Design Form button to access the form designer if you need to make changes to the intake form.

Deactivating an Issue Subtype

You cannot delete issue subtypes, but you can mark them as void.

To deactivate an issue subtype:

  1. Select Code Enforcement Setup > Issue Subtype.

  2. Click the row for the issue subtype you want to modify.

    The Issue Subtype Detail page appears.

  3. Change the Status to Void.

  4. Click Save.

Cloning Issue Subtypes


When you clone an issue subtype, the intake form from the original subtype is not copied to the newly created subtype. If you added user-defined fields to the standard code enforcement intake form, you will need to recreate any necessary fields for the new subtype.

To clone an issue subtype:

  1. Select Code Enforcement Setup > Issue Subtype.

  2. Click the row for the issue subtype you want to clone.

  3. On the Issue Subtype Detail page, click the Clone button.

  4. On the Clone Issue Subtype page, review or enter the following information:

    Page Element


    Original Issue Subtype and Original Issue Subtype ID

    These fields display identifying information about the issue subtype that you’re cloning.

    New Issue Subtype and New Issue Subtype ID

    Enter a new identifier and short description for the issue subtype that you’re creating.

    Clone Code Reference Groups

    When this switch is on, the code reference groups in the original issue subtype are copied over to the newly created issue subtype.

    When this switch is off, the new issue subtype will have the default code reference groups from the issue type.

    Clone Time-Based Rules

    When this switch is on, the time-based rules in the original issue subtype are copied over to the newly created issue subtype.

    When this switch is off, the new issue subtype will have the default time–based rules from the issue type.

    Clone Form Design

    When this switch is on, the original issue subtype’s form design is copied to the new issue subtype.

    When the switch is off, the new issue subtype does not have an intake form until you design one.

  5. Click Create.

    A new issue subtype is created. The information on the Issue Subtype Details page is identical to the cloned subtype, except that the Status is always Preliminary.

  6. Make any necessary modifications to the issue subtype and save.

  7. Make any necessary changes to the intake form (or create the form if you did not copy it from the original issue subtype).

  8. Publish the intake form.

  9. Make the subtype available to end users by updating the Status and, if necessary, the Public User Enabled setting.