Setting Up Planning Application Expiration Rules

You can set up expiration rules for the different phases of the planning application lifecycle.

You set up expiration rules for planning applications to define:

  • When an inactive pending application expires.

  • When the entitlement expires.

First, you define the rules in an effective-dated group. After setting up the expiration rules, you add the rules group ID to the application type definition and periodically run batch rules processing to update permit expiration statuses.

Setting Up Expiration Rule Groups

Here’s how to set up the rule group:

  1. Select Planning and Zoning Setup > Expiration Group > Planning Applications.

  2. On the Planning Expiration Group page, enter values for these fields:

    Page Element


    Expiration Group ID, Expiration Group Name, and Description

    Enter an ID for the expiration group, a group name, and description.


    Select Not Applicable for a planning application or Pre-Application. Use Pre-Application if you are applying this group of rules to a preapplication transaction type.

    Effective Start Date and Effective End Date

    Enter the range of dates when the group is effective. If you want to leave the effective dates open-ended, don’t enter a date for the end date.


    You can't update the start date after saving the expiration group details.

    Show All Dates

    Click to access the effective-dated history of the rules definition. This button is available after you create the first rule.

    See the next section for details about the history data.

  3. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The option is active by default for a new expiration group.

  4. Create expiration rules in the Expiration Rules section.

Expiration Group History Data

The Planning Application Expiration Group – History Data page shows the list of rules definition records with their effective date history. You can search history by effective start date. Click Add to create a new effective-dated row for an expiration group.

You can delete effective-dated entries using the Delete icon in each row. You can only delete rows that have their effective end date in the future or are open ended. The Delete option is not available for effective dated rows that have the start and end dates earlier than the current date.


Only the agency staff with the job role PSC_MANAGE_EFFECTIVE_DATES_PRIV assigned to them can delete an expiration group with any effective dated entry. Turn on the Correction Mode switch to enable deletion of the record. The Delete option will appear for the rows on the History Data page as well as on the Permit Expiration Group page.

Also note that only when the Correction Mode is enabled, you can update the effective start date for the expiration group.

Defining Expiration Rules

Here’s how to set up the details about the expiration rules in the group:

  1. Select Planning and Zoning Setup > Expiration Group > Planning Applications.

  2. Click Add in the Expiration Rules section.

  3. Enter values to create each rule:

    Page Element


    Expiration Basis

    Select the type of expiration for the rule, based on the status of the application:

    • Pre-application expiration – Applies only to preapplications. Users must complete the preapplication within the specified period of time.

      The expiration timeframe begins when the user saves the preapplication and ends when the user starts the planning application.

    • Inactive pending application – When the planning application is in a pending status, the user must submit the application before the expiration date.

      The expiration timeframe begins when the user saves a planning application and ends with application submission.

    • Entitlement expiration – Applies only to entitlements for planning applications. Users must submit a permit application after the entitlement is issued and before the expiration date.

      The expiration timeframe begins when the agency issues the completed entitlement and ends when the user submits the permit application.


    Because start and end dates require specific statuses, workflow processes must include status update tasks for Application Accepted (Accepted) and Certificate of Occupancy (Certificate) or Completed (Completed).

    Expiration Duration

    Enter the amount of time that the user has before the expiration date.

    Note: The expiration date is calculated as follows:
    1. For pending applications, Expiration date = Date when the application was saved + Expiration duration
    2. For permit and license issuance, Expiration date = Issues date + Expiration duration

    About to Expire

    Enter when you would like a notification to appear on the application that shows the user how long until the application expires. For example, you can enter 2 days to show that a pending application expires in 2 days.

    Grace Period

    Enter the amount of time the application is valid beyond the expiration date. For example, if a pending application expires in 30 days, you may provide a grace period of an additional 3 days.

    Number of Extensions

    Enter the number of allowed extensions beyond the expiration date. For example, to allow up to 2 extensions you would enter 2.

    You can manually extend the expiration during the About to Expire and Grace Period timeframes, when the Extend link is available on the Overview page in the application details. This link is available only for agency staff with appropriate permissions. You can’t manually extend the expiration for applications in a pending status.

    Both manual extensions and extensions that occur automatically due to inspection activity count toward the number of available extensions.

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on for each rule. The option is active by default for a new expiration rule.

  5. Click Save.

Setting Up Communication Rules

You can set up communication rules to send communications when the preapplication or planning application is about to expire or expired. Agency staff and the contact listed on the application receive the notifications. Click Add in the Communication column and select About to Expire, Expired, or both, and the recurrence of the communication.

Depending on the expiration communication rules you define, you must also set up communication templates for these delivered events:

  • About to Expire Pre-application – The communication event is triggered when the inactive pending application or preapplication is about to expire.

  • Expired Pre-Application – The communication event is triggered when the inactive pending application or preapplication expires.

  • About to Expire Planning and Zoning Application – The communication event is triggered when the inactive pending application or planning application is about to expire.

  • Expired Planning and Zoning Application – The communication event is triggered when the inactive pending application or planning application expires.

For more information about configuring the communication templates for the email or notification you want to send when the event occurs, see Setting Up Communication Templates.


After setting up communication rules, you must periodically run batch expiration rule processing to update the About to Expire and Expired statuses. The system updates the statuses and sends out the communications according to the setup. Oracle recommends that you schedule expiration rule processing to run daily.

Associating Expiration Groups with Application Types

After you create an expiration group, you associate the group of rules with a planning application type.

  1. Select Planning and Zoning Setup > Planning Application Type > Transaction Type.

  2. Click the row for the planning application type.

  3. On the selected Planning Application Type page, enter the expiration group ID. You can look up the expiration group by expiration group name and description.

  4. Click Save.

For more information see Setting Up Planning Application Types.

Running the Expiration Rule Process

After setting up expiration rules and adding an expiration rule group ID to the planning application type definition, you must set up expiration rule processing to periodically update the expiration statuses.

Run the process that updates permit and planning application expiration statuses on the Process Expiration Rules page, which you access by selecting Common > Process Expiration Rules. Oracle recommends that you schedule expiration rules processing to run daily.

For information about setting up expiration rules processing, see Updating Application Expiration Status.