Using the Code Technician Worklist

The code technician worklist provides a central location for performing code enforcement tasks. Various tabs list incidents or cases based on where they are in their lifecycle, and action menus provide quick access to the tasks that can be performed at each stage.

Security Details for Using the Code Technician Worklist

This section describes important security roles, requirements, or considerations specific to using the code technician worklist.

Primary Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

PSC Code Enforcement Technician

Access the Code Enforcement Technician Worklist to review and act on pending tasks on cases assigned to themselves.

PSC Code Enforcement Technician

For more information on creating roles for Oracle Permitting and Licensing, see Creating Custom Roles for Oracle Permitting and Licensing.

For more information on all the predefined security data such as abstract roles, job roles, privileges and so on, see the Security Reference for Oracle Permitting and Licensing.

Accessing and Using the Worklist

Access the code technician worklist by clicking the Code Technician Worklist tile on the agency springboard. Initially all tabs to which you have access appear. Click a tab to see the incidents or cases that meet the tab filter criteria and to access the relevant actions.

Some tabs have subtabs that further filter the incidents or cases. Subtab action menus have the same actions as the parent tabs.

When you click a tab other than the one that is initially selected, only the newly selected tab and its subtabs are visible. Similarly, when you select a subtab, only that subtab is visible. To return from a subtab to its parent, or from a main tab to the default view where all tabs are visible, click the Back to Incoming Incidents icon next to the Search icon.

Common grid controls in Oracle Permitting and Licensing enable public and agency users to perform actions and manage how they display data. For details on the grid controls available in the Worklist, see Using Grids and Personalizing Grid Displays.

All Inspections, Incidents, Notices, Hearings, and Access Requests

A code technician can view a list of all their assignments together with the assignments in the issue type or subtype that they are assigned to. All assignments – inspections, incidents, notices, hearings, and access requests – can be viewed in separate tabs with their associated subtabs. Each tab and subtab displays the count of assignment records listed on the page, based on the application of any filters.



Map Shows

All Incidents

  • Overdue

  • Priority

Incident name, issue type and subtype, and status.

All Notices

  • Notice of Violation

  • Notice of Citation

  • Ad Hoc

  • Ready to Mail

Not applicable.

All Hearings


Not applicable.

All Access Requests


Not applicable.

Grid-level Filter

You can filter the list of assignments for one or more agency staff:

  • Code Officer: Click and select one or more code officers from the list, to filter and show only their assignments of incidents, notices, hearings, or access requests.

  • Code Technician: Click and select one or more code technicians from the list, to filter and show only their assignments of incidents, notices, hearings, or access requests.

This example illustrates the Worklist – All Incidents page, which is described in the surrounding text.

CT Worklist - All Incidents

Tabs on the Code Technician Worklist

The code technician worklist has the following tabs:



Available Actions

Additional Information

Incoming Incidents

Unclaimed incidents. These are incidents in Reported status that do not have an assigned technician.

This tab includes:

  • A Report Incident button which provides quick access for the user to report a new incident from the worklist. For details on reporting incidents, see Reviewing Incident Lists.

  • A map view for displaying incident locations.


    If automatic routing is active, this tab displays only incidents in the user’s area of responsibility, as established by the Issue Type and Issue Subtype attributes for the Code Enforcement Technician or Code Enforcement Supervisor job functions. If there are no unassigned incidents in a technicians areas of responsibility, the Worklist tab order changes to show Incidents as its first tab.

  • Claim (code enforcement technicians)

  • Assign (code enforcement supervisors)

Supervisors assign incidents to code enforcement technicians, while technicians claim incidents for themselves. Both actions result in assigning a technician to the incident, which removes the incident from this tab.

For more information, see Claiming and Assigning Incidents.

The Overdue subtab shows unclaimed incidents with a due date before the current date.

The Priority subtab shows unclaimed incidents where the Priority switch is enabled.

All Incidents

Unprocessed incidents (those in Reported status) where the current user is the assigned code technician as well as the incidents that match the technician's issue type and subtype.

The list also includes reassigned incidents from the administrator or from another staff member.

This tab includes:

  • A Report Incident button which provides quick access for the user to report a new incident from the worklist.

  • A map view for displaying incident locations.

  • Schedule Inspection

  • Mark as Duplicate

  • Reassign

  • Release

  • Reroute Incident

  • Close

The actions that are available here are also available from the incident detail page.

For more information, about taking action on incidents, see Processing Incidents.

Completing any of the available actions removes the incident from this tab.

The Overdue subtab shows claimed incidents with a due date before the current date.

The Priority subtab shows claimed incidents where the Priority switch is enabled.


Unprocessed incidents (those in Reported status) where the current user is the assigned technician.

Same as above

All Notices

List of notices from cases that are assigned to the code technician as well as the notices that match the technician's issue type and subtype.

Notices are separately listed as notice of violations, notice of citations, and ad hoc notices.

Violation and citation notice object records are created for violations and citations respectively.

Tabs: Notice of Violation, Notice of Citation, and Ad Hoc:
  • Generate

  • Continue

Tab: Ready to Mail:
  • Download to Print
  • Update Mailing Details
  • Mark as Sent

The notices are classified in the four subtabs – Notice of Violation, Notice of Citation, Ad Hoc, and Ready to Mail.

The Generate action signifies that the notice object alone is created, and you should use the action to open the Generate Notice page complete the details, review, and print.

Once a notice is in Generated status, it moves to the Ready to Mail tab.

The Continue action signifies that the notice is generated, and you can make changes to the details before printing it.

Any changes made to the notice process will automatically update the case detail pages.

A citation notice additionally contains information about the citation fees.

The Download to Print action downloads the report in a separate tab, ready to print.

The Update Mailing Details action opens the mailing details modal page to update the tracking details of the notice report.

The Mark as Sent action changes the status of the notice from Generated to Sent. The record is removed from the Worklist. You can access the Notices page in case details and view the detail.

See Editing Notice Details under Working with Notices.


List of notices from cases that are assigned to the code technician. Notices are separately listed as notice of violations, notice of citations, and ad hoc notices.

Same as above

All Hearings

Cases assigned to the logged in technician that have requested appeals or hearings in Scheduled status. These include the cases that match the technician's issue type and subtype.

  • View and download attachments added by responsible party

  • Add or delete your own attachments

  • Update Hearing Decision

  • Reschedule Hearing

  • Cancel

For details about appeals and hearings, see Working with Appeals and Hearings.

Unassigned Cases

Unassigned cases. These are cases that do not have an assigned technician.

  • Claim (code technicians)

  • Multiple Select Claim (code technicians)

When you click the Claim button, the case is assigned to you and the row is removed from this list page.

The Multiple Select button allows you to select multiple cases using check boxes. Click Claim to assign the selected cases to yourself.

You can also claim or assign cases to another staff from the Cases list page and the case Overview page. See Processing Cases and Viewing the Case Detail Overview.

All Access Requests

Cases assigned to the logged in technician that have pending requests from registered public users who have asked for online access to the case. These include the cases that match the technician's issue type and subtype.

  • Allow Access

  • Deny Access


An email notification is sent to the registered user about the request approval or denial.

For details, see Adding Responsible Parties

Public users who are granted access can view details of their cases and notices online. They can also take actions such as submitting an appeal.

Users can’t access their case if the agency denies their request.


All active cases assigned to the logged in technician, including the auto-assigned ones. The list also includes reassigned cases from the administrator or from another staff member.

Update Status

Status options:

  • Violation

  • Closed

  • Compliance

  • Void

  • Mandatory Abatement

  • Legal

Once the status of a case changes to Compliance, it is removed from the list.

Incoming tasks

List of all the workflow tasks related to incidents and cases that are assigned to the logged in technician or the technician group.

Incoming tasks remain in the list until they are closed.

  • Claim

  • Reassign

Once claimed, the Actions options allows you to update, release, or reassign the workflow task.

When you claim a workflow task, the My Tasks subtab will list the task according to how it is assigned – My Tasks or My Group Tasks. You can take these actions:

  • Update: Change the status, priority, or review and add comments and attachments. The Update Tasks page allows you to page through all your tasks and make updates to each task. The Workflow page related to the selected incident or case is updated when you save the changes.

  • Release: Unassign the workflow task from your list. This is available only for My Tasks assignments.

  • Reassign: Change the assignee of the workflow task. This is available only for My Tasks assignments.


The My Tasks subtab separates the assigned tasks into two subtabs – Assigned Today and Assigned Earlier, depending on the time of assignment.

When you reassign a workflow task to another technician, the My Tasks subtab for the assigned technician will list the task.

For information on Workflow, see Using Workflow.


Grids are rendered in either a condensed or expanded format based on the FSM option selection made by the agency during implementation. On the code technician worklist, each agency staff member can now personalize expanded grids to display information in a manner that suits their own requirement. See Personalizing Grid Displays.