Using the Main Map and Explore Your City Map

The agency-facing Main Map and the public-facing Explore Your City map provide options for viewing existing applications and projects on the map and for selecting properties so that you can start new applications.

With these maps, users can do the following:

  • Select a property and view existing transactions for that property.

  • Start an application for a selected property (public users and agency staff only).

    Users who aren’t sure what type of application is needed can launch the guide that provides recommendations based on questionnaire answers.

  • Search for transactions and view transaction markers on the map.

    All users can search for transaction locations. Registered public users have the additional ability to filter search results so that only the user’s own transactions appear.


To provide different types of users with the most appropriate interface, there are separate main maps for agency users, registered public users, and anonymous public users. These maps can have different map profiles, giving you control over whether various map options are available to each audience. See Setting Up Map Profiles.

Selecting Properties Using the Basic Search

This example illustrates the basic property search on the map.

Basic search on Explore Your City map

This example illustrates the map when properties have been selected.

Selected Parcels on a Map

To search for properties and select them:

  1. Enter a full or partial address or parcel number in the search field that appears when you first access the map.

    As you type, up to five matching addresses and parcels appear in a type-ahead drop-down list. The type-ahead list includes headings to indicate which items are Addresses and which are Parcels.

    Note: Agencies can choose to hide their business license and other business information from appearing in the search results and on the maps. For details on how to hide business information, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Business Licenses and Managing Business Information.
  2. Press the Return key or click the magnifying glass icon to perform a full search.

    The Search window expands to show lists for Addresses and Parcels with a count for each type of result. Initially a maximum of five items appears in each list.

    If more results exist, click More to show all results in a scrolling list. When the list is expanded, click Less to shrink the list back down to five locations.

  3. To select a property, click a single address or parcel number from either the type-ahead list or the full results list.

    The corresponding property is selected on the map, and the search field is replaced by the Selected Locations list.

  4. To select additional properties without losing your selection, click the Search link to re-display the search field.

    Each time you select a property, it is added to the Selected Locations list.

    To return to the Selected Locations overlay from the Search overlay without performing a search, click the Selected Locations link. This link appears if at least one property is selected.

  5. Use these options to deselect properties:

    Page Element



    Click this icon to remove a single particular property from the list. The icon appears next to each selected property.

    Clear All

    Click this link to deselect all properties. The link appears at the top of the list.

Selecting Properties Using the Selection Toolbar

To select properties directly from the map, without searching, use the drawing tools. You can use the search and the drawing tools together to add properties to (and remove properties from) your list.

To select and deselect properties using drawing tools:

  1. Show or Hide Selection Tools Click the Show Selection Tools button on the map’s general toolbar.

    The drawing toolbar appears.

  2. Use these tools to make your property selection:

    Selection Toolbar Button


    Draw a Point

    Draw a Point

    Click one or more points on the map to select the properties that contain the points.

    Draw a Polyline

    Draw a Polyline

    Click two or more points on a map to draw a multi-segment line (a polyline) connecting the points that you click. Double-click on the final point to stop drawing. All properties that intersect the resulting polyline are selected.

    Draw a Polygon

    Draw a Polygon

    Click three or more points on a map to draw a polygon. The system redraws the polygon after each click. Double-click on the final point to stop drawing. All properties that are at least partially within the resulting polygon are selected.

    Deselect One

    Deselect One

    Click a selected property to deselect it.


    Selecting a property does not deselect previously selected properties. You must use the Deselect One or the Deselect All tool to remove properties from your selection.

    Deselect All

    Deselect All

    Click this button to deselect all properties.



    Click to close the toolbar.

  3. Review details of your selections on the Selected Locations list.

    The Selected Locations list replaces the search window whenever properties are selected. This is a single list that also includes properties that you adding using the search.

Using the Selected Locations List

The Selected Locations overlay enables you to review information about selected properties and the transactions that are associated with those properties.

In this example of the Selected Locations list, the addresses and parcel numbers of selected locations are links to the corresponding detail pages. These links are only present for agency staff. When public users see the Selected Locations overlay, the addresses and parcel numbers appear as plain text.

Selected Parcels on a Map

To use the Selected Locations overlay:

  1. Review the information cards for the selected locations.

    Each selected property appears on a card. The card title is the primary address for the location. The parcel number, if any, appears below this address. Agency staff can access the detail pages for selected addresses and parcels by clicking the address or the parcel number link on the card. Public users do not have access to detail information, so for public users, the addresses and parcel numbers are plain text instead of links.


    If an address has multiple parcels, each parcel appears on a separate card and all parcels are selected on the map.

    If a parcel has multiple addresses, a link below the parcel number indicates the number of addresses. Click the link to see a list of addresses.

  2. Click a card to select it and learn more about the property.

    If the selected property is associated with any applications or projects, the selected card expands and displays icons for any associated transactions. There are separate icons for Permits, Planning Applications, Businesses (business licenses), Cases, Incidents and Projects. The icon label includes a count of the related transactions.


    If the selected property has an associated business license that is marked to be hidden, then the icon label will not include it in its count.

    If the property is not associated with any transactions, the selected card looks the same as it does when it’s collapsed.

  3. Click the icon for a specific transaction type to access a list of transactions.

    The list replaces the Selected Locations list and shows details that are relevant to the specific transaction type.

  4. On the transaction list, click a transaction to open a new window with the corresponding detail page.

    The details are read-only for public users. For agency users, access is based on the user’s security. The window does not have any navigation controls, so close the window when you’re done.

  5. From a transaction list, click the return button in the window header to go back to the Selected Locations list.

  6. To start an application for the selected properties, click the Apply button (not available to anonymous users).

    The Apply page appears so you can select an application type and start an application. As long as the application intake form includes a Property section, the property information will be pre-filled based on the selected properties.

    Users who aren’t sure what type of application is needed can click the Guide button instead. This launches the guide that provides application type recommendations based on questionnaire answers. The Guide button is available only if an Oracle Intelligent Advisor definition is associated with the agency record.

Using Advanced Search to View Transactions

The advanced search is for searching transactions rather than properties. Use the advanced search to view map markers that indicate the locations of business licenses, permits, planning applications, cases, incidents and projects.

This example illustrates the advanced search.

Advanced Search on Explore Your City

As agency staff, you will not see the check box used by registered public users to limit the search to their own transactions. If the registered public user is a primary contact for any projects, the check box label is My Applications and Projects. If the registered public user isn’t a primary contact for any projects, the label is My Applications.

To show transactions on the map:

  1. Click the Advanced Search link on the basic search overlay.

    A new overlay appears.

  2. Enter search keywords, if any, in the search field at the top of the overlay.

    Search on data such as a business name or permit type. Don’t use this field to search for addresses; use the basic search instead.

  3. In the Transaction Type section, indicate which type of transaction to search.

    Depending on which product offerings you enable, you can search for Business Licenses, Permits, Planning (planning applications), Cases, Incidents or Projects.

    Note: Agencies can choose to hide their business license and other business information from appearing in the advanced search results and on the maps. For details on how to hide business information, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Business Licenses and Managing Business Information.
  4. In the Transaction Dates section, choose a date range to search.

    Options include Do not filter, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, or a custom Date Range. If you use a custom date range, enter a start date, end date, or both to define the range.

    For date-restricted searches:

    • The application submission date must fall in the specified time period.

    • A project start date must be after any start date you specify. If you use a custom date range with an end date, the project end date must be before any end date you specify.

  5. Click Search to perform the search.

    Map markers appear for the transactions that meet your search criteria. The overlay also displays text stating how many results were found.

    Users can see up to 200 results at a time. If more than 200 results exist, use the Previous (<) and Next (>) icons to scroll to a different block of results and update the map to show markers for the new block of results.

  6. To clear search criteria, click Reset.

  7. To close the advanced search and return to the simple location search, click Close.