Viewing the Planning Application Detail Overview

You view a summary of the planning application on the Overview page, where you get a snapshot of the information regarding a planning application with links to more detail.

When you access the details for a planning application, you see a summary of the application activity. This information is updated to show the latest activity.

The header of the summary page displays the address of the primary parcel and its physical location on a map. This information is updated to show the latest activity. For example, when the primary parcel address detail is modified on the Property Information page, the same is automatically updated in the header and in the Overview page.

Only agency staff can update the date the application was received and the description, assign a planner, or withdraw an in-progress application on the Overview page.

Using the Overview Page

  1. Select the Planning Applications tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Transactions page, click the row for the selected application to open the Overview page.


    A condition icon is displayed on the row if a planning application has a condition applied to it. If multiple conditions are applied, then the icon displays the most severe condition. Click the icon to see a list of all applicable conditions, including the condition name, severity, description, and when the condition was applied.

  3. On the Overview page, review details or enter the following information in the Overview section:

    Page Element



    Review the application status.

    Completed Date

    Review the date the application was completed.


    Review the name of the planner assigned to the planning application or preapplication.

    After a planner is assigned, registered users view one of the following details:

    • Planner’s name and their email ID

    • No detail (the Planner field is not displayed)

    • Planner’s name only

    • Planner’s name and a general email ID of the agency

    Agency administrators configure the above display options on the Agency Information – Planning and Zoning Options page. See Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Planning Applications.

    Only agency staff can view the planner’s name and assign or reassign a planner to the application by clicking the Assign or Reassign link.

    Click the Planner Assignment History icon next to the Planner field to view a history of planner assignments.

    When you assign or reassign a planner, the workflow task – Assign Planner will be updated to Planner Assigned status. For details about workflow tasks, see Using Workflow.

    You can configure the Business Rules Framework to trigger the advancement of the workflow task and to generate a communication to the applicant and the assigned planner. For example, once a planner is assigned and the Activity Tracking is updated to complete, the Business Rules Framework will automatically advance the workflow to the next task.

    For more details, see Business Rules Framework Overview and Setting Up Business Rules.


    Enter a description of the application by clicking the Add link in the Description field. Only agency staff can add a description.

    Submitted By

    Review the name of the person who submitted the application and the date when it was submitted.

    Received Date

    Review the date when the planning application was received. Agency staff enters the date, which is on or before the submission date, when filling out the intake form on behalf of the applicant. Agency staff can update the received date here on the Overview page.

    For applicants submitting their application online, the received date field isn’t available in the intake form or on the Overview page.

    If the planning application is set up for activity tracking, the received date is used as the base date for calculating the activity due date after the application is submitted. The due date is recalculated when you make changes to the received date.

    Expiration Date

    Review the expiration date of the application.

    If the Extend link is available next to the Expiration Date field, agency staff can enter a new expiration date that allows more time before the application expires.

    Expiration notifications appear below the expiration date. Depending on how the agency set up the expiration rules for the planning application type, you might see a notification that the application expires in the displayed number of days.

    For more information about working with application expiration, see Expiration Overview and Working with Application Expiration.

    Withdraw Application

    Click the Withdraw Application button to change the application to a withdrawn status. When you withdraw an application, any scheduled preapplication meetings or public hearings are canceled.

    For more information about withdrawing an application, see Withdrawing an Application.

  4. On the Overview page, review information about the selected application in the sections and navigate to more details.

    Page Element



    View the applicant’s name and contact information.

    Click the View Details link to open the Contacts page. For more information about contacts, see Working with Application Contacts.


    View a list of active and recently completed tasks, including the task status, assignment, last updated date, and number of days in the current status.

    Click the View Details link to open the Workflow page. For more information about workflow, see Using Workflow.

    Fees and Payments

    View the total fees paid, amount due, and the date and amount of the last payment.

    Click the View Details link to open the Fees and Payments page. See Working with Fees and Payments.


    View the projects to which this permit or planning application belongs.

    Click the View Details link to open the Projects page, where you can see the list of projects in more detail. Click the Project ID link to find out more about the project, which may contain other permits or planning applications. See Viewing Project Summaries.

    The Projects section is available only when the permit is associated with a project.