Working with Conditions of Approval

You apply a set of conditions of approval to a user-submitted planning application. Conditions of approval can be applied automatically through a template or added manually from the Conditions of Approval page.


Only agency staff can apply and manage conditions of approval.

Security Details for Working with Conditions of Approval

This section describes important security roles, requirements, or considerations specific to working with conditions of approval.

Primary Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

PSC Conditions of Approval Inquiry

View conditions of approval on planning applications.

PSC Agency Staff – All agency users

PSC Conditions of Approval Administration

Administer conditions of approval on planning applications in any status.

PSC System Administrator

PSC Conditions of Approval Contributor

Manage conditions of approval on planning applications on which the user is assigned as a plan reviewer.

Users can update and delete only the conditions added by themselves.

PSC Plan Reviewer

PSC Conditions of Approval Management All

Manage conditions of approval on planning applications assigned to others and to themselves.

PSC Principal Planner

PSC Conditions of Approval Management Self

Manage conditions of approval on planning applications assigned to themselves.

PSC Associate Planner

PSC Planning Application Management with Elevated Access

Manage conditions of approval on planning applications that are:
  • Assigned to a planner

  • Not yet assigned

PSC Planning and Zoning Application Administrator

PSC System Administrator

PSC Zoning Administrator

For more information on creating roles for Oracle Permitting and Licensing, see Creating Custom Roles for Oracle Permitting and Licensing.

For more information on all the predefined security data such as abstract roles, job roles, privileges and so on, see the Security Reference for Oracle Permitting and Licensing.

Viewing and Updating Conditions of Approval

The Conditions of Approval page lists all conditions including those that are automatically applied as well as the planner applied conditions.

Only assigned planners can manage the conditions of approval for their applications. However, staff with the PSC Planning Application Management with Elevated Access role assignment are allowed to manage the conditions of approval for unassigned applications as well as applications assigned to themselves or to any other planner. Such staff members can perform the following actions related to the conditions of approval:

  • Add new

  • Update, resolve, and delete existing

  • Reorder

  • Add comments and attachments


The delivered PSC Planning Application Management with Elevated Access duty role can’t be directly assigned to users. Administrators must create a new job role or use an existing job role to associate this duty role to that job role, and then assign it to a user. See Create ERP Roles in the Security Console in Fusion documentation.

To view the conditions of approval:

  1. Select Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the application record for which you want to view the conditions of approval. The application details page opens.

  3. Click Planning Application in the left panel.

  4. Click the Conditions of Approval link to access the Conditions of Approval page, which lists all the conditions applied to the submitted planning application.

    The conditions that are applied by the system are identified as Automatic in the Updated By attribute. The remaining conditions show the name of the agency staff who applied them.

  5. Select a condition row to view its complete details on the Conditions of Approval detail page.

  6. If you want to update the details of a condition, select the record row to open the Conditions of Approval detail page. You can change the values for status, category, subcategory, and compliance period.

  7. Click Save to save the changes and return to the Conditions of Approval page.

Reordering Conditions of Approval

The Conditions of Approval page lists the conditions of approval sorted by the date on which they were applied, showing the latest record at the top. To reorder the conditions:

  1. Access the application for which you want to reorder the conditions of approval.

  2. Click the Conditions of Approval link to access the Conditions of Approval page, which lists all the conditions applied to the submitted planning application.

  3. Click the Reorder button to open the Reorder Conditions of Approval page and then select a condition record. You can reorder the conditions in two ways:

    (a) Use the reordering icons:

    Page Element



    Click to move the selected record to the top of the list.


    Click to move up the selected record by one step.


    Click to move down the selected record by one step.


    Click to move the selected record to the bottom of the list.

    (b) Drag and drop the selected record to a new position in the list.


    You can also sort the conditions by their type, category, and subcategory using the column headers.

  4. Click Save to save and return to the Conditions of Approval page, which refreshes to show the reordered condition list.

Adding New Conditions

In addition to the already applied conditions, you can apply conditions to the selected planning application. To add a new condition:

  1. Select Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the application record for which you want to add conditions of approval. The application details page opens.

  3. Click Planning Application in the left panel.

  4. Click the Conditions of Approval link to access the Conditions of Approval page.

  5. Click the Add New button to open the Add Condition of Approval page and enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element



    Enter a name for the new condition. You can add more information and use the Rich Text formatting options.


    Select a status:

    • Applied

    • Resolved

    Condition Type

    Displays Custom as this condition is added manually by an agency staff.


    Select a category of the condition.


    Select a subcategory of the condition.

    Compliance Period

    Select one or more compliance period values using the check boxes.

  6. Click Save to apply the condition to the application. If you want to add more conditions, use the Save and New button, which applies the current condition and clears the values in the page so that you can enter a new set of values for the next condition.

Applying Existing Conditions

You can also apply standard conditions of approval saved in the system. To select and apply conditions of the type standard:

  1. Select Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the application record for which you want to apply existing conditions of approval. The application details page opens.

  3. Click Planning Application in the left panel.

  4. Click the Conditions of Approval link to access the Conditions of Approval page.

  5. Click the Select Existing button to open the Condition of Approval list page.

  6. Search and select one or more standard conditions using the check boxes. The Selections tab shows all your selected conditions.

  7. Click Save to apply the condition to the planning application.

Resolving Conditions

To resolve a condition of approval that is applied to a planning application:

  1. Select Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the application record for which you want to resolve the conditions of approval. The application details page opens.

  3. Click Planning Application in the left panel.

  4. Click the Conditions of Approval link to access the Conditions of Approval page.

  5. Click the Actions button for the condition you want to resolve and then select Resolve.

  6. The status of the condition changes to Resolved.

Deleting Conditions

To delete a condition that is applied to a planning application:

  1. Select Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the application record from which you want to delete the conditions of approval. The application details page opens.

  3. Click Planning Application in the left panel.

  4. Click the Conditions of Approval link to access the Conditions of Approval page.

  5. Click the Actions button for the condition you want to delete and select Delete.

  6. The condition row is removed from the Conditions of Approval page.

Generating the Conditions of Approval Report

The conditions of approval report records the details of the planning application followed by the details of the conditions of approval. Review the description of the application, the name of the assigned planner, and the list of all the conditions applied to the application. The list follows the sequence of conditions as you see them listed in the Conditions of Approval page, grouped by the condition type.

To generate and view the conditions of approval report:

  1. Select Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the application record for which you want to generate the conditions of approval report. The application details page opens.

  3. Click Planning Application in the left panel.

  4. Click the Conditions of Approval link to access the Conditions of Approval page.

  5. Click the Generate Report button. The conditions of approval report opens in a new window. You can print or save the report.


Your browser’s pop-up blocker must allow pop-up windows from the environment domain to generate the report.

Adding Comments to a Condition

Comments enable you to add additional information to a condition of approval. To add a comment to a condition:

  1. Access the condition of approval.

  2. Click the Add Comment icon.

  3. On the Comments page, add a new comment by entering the text. You can use the Rich Text options for formatting.

  4. To add a comment by selecting from a list of existing comments:

    1. Click Select Comments on the Add Comments page.

    2. On the Select Comments page, click Favorite, Standard, or Recent to see the corresponding list of comments.

      For more information about standard comments, see Working with Comments.

Modifying and Deleting Comments in a Condition

  1. Access the condition of approval.

  2. Click the Comments icon in the condition record.

  3. On the Comments page, select the comment you want to modify.

  4. Make changes to the text and click Save.

  5. To delete the comment, click the Delete icon on the Comment page.

Adding Attachments to a Condition

Use attachments as supporting documents to manage conditions of approval. To add an attachment to a condition:

  1. Access the condition of approval.

  2. Click the Attachments icon in the condition record.

  3. On the Attachments page, click Add, navigate to and select the attachment file.

  4. Enter a description about the attachment.

  5. Click Upload.

Deleting Attachments from a Condition

  1. Access the condition of approval.

  2. Click the Attachments icon in the condition record.

  3. On the Attachments page, select the Actions button for the attachment you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete.

For more information about attachments, see Working with Attachments.

Accessing Plan Reviews for Planning Applications

Click the Plan Reviews link to access the plan reviews page for the planning application. For more information on plan reviews, see Plan Review Overview.