
建立 RMM 執行處理以安裝 RMM,然後提供授權資訊。RMM 軟體可在任何以 RHEL 為基礎的 7.x Linux 作業系統上執行。RMM 在主要雲端 (例如 OCI) 上有市集列表,只要按一下即可部署執行處理。


請依照下列步驟建立 RMM 執行處理:
  1. 登入您租用戶中的 Compute Cloud@Customer 或 Private Cloud Appliance。
  2. 在儀表板中,按一下運算
  3. 建立新的 執行處理。
  4. 建立執行處理視窗中,執行下列作業:
    1. 輸入執行處理名稱。
    2. 選取可存取端點的適當區間。
    3. 來源影像區段中,選取來源類型作為平台影像
    4. OS 版本資料欄的下拉式清單中,選取 Oracle Linux 作業系統資料列中的 7.9
  5. 使用 4 個 CPU、48GB 的記憶體和 150GB 的開機磁碟區,將 VM 佈建為彈性資源配置。
  6. 在網路上移動並佈建網路,讓 VM 能夠完整存取這兩個端點網路。在我們的案例中,這是共用網際網路閘道 VCN 上的外部網路,我們要求指定公用 IP。
  7. 佈建網路之後,請提供主機名稱,上傳您 ssh 的公用金鑰,然後建立執行處理。
  8. 執行處理完成佈建並標示為 Running 之後,請使用 ssh 登入,下載並設定 RMM.


    將區塊磁碟區新增至 RMM 伺服器以進行暫時儲存。在此範例中,建立並連附 1TB 區塊儲存單元。
  9. 建立並佈建磁碟區之後,請將它連附至執行處理。您不需要掛載它。

安裝 RMM

支援在現有安裝上安裝 RMM,這是安裝新版本的機制。在此情況下,將會有現有的 CMDB,且安裝程序預設會保留該資訊。安裝後,所有現有資源會繼續駐留在 CMDB 中。

您可以在 Oracle Linux 7.9 上安裝 RMM。不過,您可以在任何以 RHEL 為基礎的 7 上執行。X 執行處理。您必須先在 Compute Cloud@Customer 上建立 Oracle Linux 7.9 執行處理。

請按照這些步驟安裝 RMM:

  1. VM 啟動並在執行後,請登入。
  2. 下載格式為 rackware-<VERSION>-x86_64.sh 的安裝程式檔案。請確定此檔案允許執行。如果不是,請使用 chmod 755 進行修改。在無法使用這類清單的平台上,Rackware 會提供安裝檔案。
    [opc@rmm ~]$ scp myself@source.example.com:/nfs/rackware/rackware-v7.4.3.17-x86_64.sh .
    myself@source.example.com's password:
    rackware-v7.4.3.17-x86_64.sh 100% 5409MB 40.2MB/s 02:14
    [opc@rmm ~]$ ls -l rackware-v7.4.3.17-x86_64.sh
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 opc opc 5671832853 Dec 17 22:04 rackware-v7.4.3.17-x86_64.sh
    [opc@rmm ~]$ chmod 755 !$
    chmod 755 rackware-v7.4.3.17-x86_64.sh
    [opc@rmm ~]$ ls -l
    total 5538900
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 opc opc 5671832853 Dec 17 22:04 rackware-v7.4.3.17-x86_64.sh
    [opc@rmm ~]$
  3. root 使用者身分執行下列命令以執行安裝程式:
    root@ovh-rmm01:[~]# ./rackware-<VERSION>-x86_64.sh
    Verifying archive integrity...
  4. 輸入 yes 即可閱讀並接受 EULA 及 Microsoft 授權。
    RMM 軟體取決於各種程式庫和公用程式。安裝程式會檢查這些相依性,並自動安裝任何遺漏的項目。最簡單且最安全的選項,可確保伺服器上的所有正確套裝軟體,在執行安裝程式之前,能夠暫時存取伺服器的網際網路。具體而言,連接埠 80 和 443 應以 RMM 和任何防火牆的輸出方向開啟。此步驟使用標準的發行套件管理程式,且需要網際網路存取。


    [opc@rmm ~]$ sudo -s
    [root@rmm opc]# ./rackware-v7.4.3.17-x86_64.sh
    Verifying archive integrity... All good.
    Uncompressing RackWare Software Package...........
    You must accept the terms of the license agreement to install and use this software.
    <some text deleted for clarity>
    upon you in addition to the terms of this EULA or any other agreement you have with RackWare.
    Please type 'yes' then [enter] to accept the terms of the license agreement,
    or simply press [enter] to abort installation.
    Enter your acceptance: yes
    Beginning installation ...
    You must accept the terms of the license agreement to install and use this software.
    <deleted for clarity>
    Please type 'yes' then [enter] to accept the terms of the license agreement,
    or simply press [enter] to abort installation.
    Enter your acceptance: yes
    Beginning installation ...
    Checking the free space under /opt...Done
    Checking the free space under /srv...Done
    Checking the free space under /tmp...Done
    Installing RackWare Software Package.
    Please wait this may take several minutes . . .
  5. 以預設值 yes 來回答提示。
    1. perl-CGI
    2. EPEL package installation
    3. Modify iptables
  6. 下載 ISO for Linux vCenter 自動佈建。
    Download ISO for linux vcenter autoprovision (Y/N) [N]:
    Manually download iso for templateless autoprovisioning.
    Please download systemrescecd-x86-5.2.2.iso from: https://souceforge.net/projects/systemrescuecd/files/sysresccd-x86/5.2.2/systemrescuecd-x86-5.2.2iso/download and place it in /opt/iso/

    將 Linux 機器自動佈建至 vCenter 時需要此檔案。如果您打算使用 RMM 自動將 Linux 機器佈建到 vCenter,請回答 Y 。否則請接受 N 的預設值。

  7. 「日誌循環」會保留同步工作日誌的一組天數。預設值為 15 天,但可以依據專案的長度來設定。
    Configuring iscsi target
    Warning: Could not load preferences file /root/.targetcli/prefs.bin.
    Parameter auto_save_on_exit is now 'false'.
    Configure: iscsitarget: Done.
    Configuring logrotate
    Number of days log files are retained [15]? [15]:
  8. 除非您使用 RMM-Hub 功能,否則請在此提示中接受 N 的預設值。
  9. 提示輸入 RMM GUI 類型時,請為 RMM Lite 選取 [L] (預設值)
    輸入並確認 admin 使用者的密碼,這是 GUI 的預設使用者。
    Select GUI type: RackWare Management Module [R]
    RMM Lite [L]
    Hybrid Cloud Management Platform [H]
    Self Service Portal (Softlayer) [S]
    Self Service Portal (Azure) [Z] [L]: L
    Installed RMM Lite GUI.
    Creating mainbox file: File exists
    Changing passowrd for user admin.
    New passwork:
    Retype new password:
    passwd: allauthentication tokens updated successfully.
    Configuring http web servicer
    Changing permission of /opt/rackware/www/cgi-bin/ to executable
    Saving original config
    Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
    writing new private key to '/opt/rackware/www/certificates/RackWare_SSL.key'
    Note: Forwarding request to 'systemctl enable httpd.service'.
    Stopping: httpd … Done.
     * stopped: httpd
    Starting: httpd … Done.
     * running: httpd[199979]
    Configure: httpd: Done.
  10. RMM 會要求使用者輸入密碼詞組,以使用 128 位元 AES 加密內建 CMDB。
    Changing password for user admin.
    New password:
    Retype new password:
    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
    Please enter your secret passphrase. This passphrase will be used to encrypt all sensitive information stored in the cmdb.
    Please re-enter your secret passphrase for validation.
  11. 使用 ZFS 設定儲存集區。機架軟體使用連附至 RMM 的未格式化或未分割區塊裝置,來使用 ZFS 設定其儲存集區。您可以隨時使用 rwadm zfs configure 指令來重新設定使用 ZFS 的 RMM 儲存集區。
    ZFS is currently not installed on this system
    Proceeding with ZFS installation...
    Configuring ZFS compression RMM...
    Installing ZFS packages, please be patient as this may take a while...
    <intermediate text deleted for clarity>
    Existing devices in the system which can be added to RMM Storage Pool are:
    /dev/sda (in-use)
    /dev/sda1 (in-use)
    /dev/sda2 (in-use)
    /dev/sda3 (in-use)
    /dev/sdb (free)
    Please make sure you have all below criteria met before continuing further:
    * You have at least one disk/partition/volume free which can be added to RMM storage pool/volume.
    * Old images WILL NOT have Sync Backup and Data Retention features. User will have to re-capture images to avail those features.
    [A]dd disks, [R]emove disks or [F]inished [F]: A
    You have 3 chance(s) to enter a valid device. Check by executing "parted -l"
    Warning: Device will get formatted after adding to RMM Storage pool.
    Enter device name/path to be configured as RMM Storage pool. [ONE AT A TIME]: /dev/sdb
    Please make sure you have all below criteria met before continuing further:
    <Intermediate text deleted for clarity>
    Final Configuration:
    Pool Name : "rwzpool"
    Total Size : 1016G
    Pool Free : 1016G
    RMM Storage Pool Compression Algorithm: "lz4"
    Configuring samba service...
    Note: Forwarding request to 'systemctl enable smb.service'.
    Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/smb.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/smb.service.
    Note: Forwarding request to 'systemctl enable nmb.service'.
    Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nmb.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/nmb.service.


    您可以隨時使用 rwadm zfs configure 指令來重新配置使用 ZFS 的 RMM 儲存集區。
  12. 在提示輸入 RMM 監聽的介面時設定網路介面,新增每個 RMM 用來與來源主機通訊的介面。
    Configuring Rackware Management Module (rmm)
    Configure: rmm: configure listening interfaces:
    Available: ens3
    Selected: none
    [A]dd, [R]emove interfaces for rmm to listen on, or [F]inished [F]:A
    Enter interface name, or 'all' [all]: all
    Available: ens3
    Selected: ens3
    [A]dd, [R]emove interfaces for rmm to listen on, or [F]inished [F]: F
    Configure: rmm: listening on: ens3 ::
  13. 網路組態設定完成後,請設定 NTP。OCI、 Compute Cloud@CustomerPrivate Cloud Appliance X9-2 內建於 IP 位址 的 NTP 服務。此服務是備援的,因此您只需要設定單一 NTP 伺服器。如果您希望在資料中心內使用 NTP 服務,可以在這裡提供。除非已安裝專業服務授權,否則 RMM 必須能夠存取 NTP 伺服器,才能正確啟動 RMM。此提示的預設值為 N ,表示 RMM 將作為 NTP 伺服器使用預設值 pool.ntp.org。如果您選擇配置 NTP 伺服器 (在提示符號處輸入 Y),則必須同時提供要讓 RMM 使用的 NTP 伺服器名稱。如果 RMM 目前使用的 NTP 伺服器無法從 RMM 連線,則 RMM 的授權就會暫時停用,而且不會啟動 RMM。
    Do you want to configure NTP SERVER?
    This can be skipped in case of PS License type [N]: Y
    RMM requires to communicate with the NTP Server to sync system time.
    Anytime RMM cannot access the NTP Server, the license would be invalidated.
    For that either some NTP daemon needs to be configured or NTP Server needs to be provided here.
    Do you want to setup custom NTP Server? Default is pool.ntp.org and requires internet access (Y/N) [N]: Y
    Enter NTP Server [pool.ntp.org]:
    Configure : rmm: configure NAT IPs for the rmm host:
    Configured: none
    [A]dd, [R]emove NAT IP, or [F]inished [F]: F


    一律提供一部、三部或多部 NTP 伺服器 (絕不只有兩部) 是常見的做法。
  14. 下一個提示會詢問是否需要新增 NAT IP。除非 Rackware 另有指示,否則接受預設值 [F]
    Configure : rmm: configure NAT IPs for the rmm host:
    Configured: none
    [A]dd, [R]emove NAT IP, or [F]inished [F]: F
    Creating sudoers file for GUI.
    Stopping: rmm ... Done.
    * stopped: rmm
    License not found in /etc/rackware/. Generating the preinstall file
    PreInstall file generated at /etc/rackware/rwlicense_preinstall_1702860496. Please email this file to licensing@rackwareinc.com to get the license.
    Configure: rmm: creating default options file ... Done.
    Configure: rmm: Done.
    WARNING: No license file found for rmm. Cannot start RMM Process.
    Skipping loopback device limit configuration ...
    Configure: systemd/journal: Done.
    Configure: SSL configurations...
    SSL configuration complete.
    Reboot required for changes to take effect.
    Do you want to reboot now [Y/n]? [Y]:
  15. 安裝之後,請重新啟動伺服器以完成安裝。
    Post installation, the server will need to be rebooted once for the installation to complete. Enter Y and wait for the system to reboot.
    Do you want to reboot now [Y/n]? [Y]:
    Shutdown scheduled for Mon 2023-12-18 00:51:15 GMT, use 'shutdown -c' to cancel.
    Broadcast message from root@rmm (Mon 2023-12-18 00:50:15 GMT):
    The system is going down for reboot at Mon 2023-12-18 00:51:15 GMT!
    [root@rmm opc]#

提供 RMM 授權

在將有效授權置於 /etc/rackware 下之後,RMM 服務才會啟動。

  1. 如果是初始安裝,會顯示下列訊息:
    License not found in /etc/rackware/. Generating the preinstall file. Preinstall file
          generated at /etc/rackware/rwlicense_preinstall_xxxxxxxx. Please email this file to licensing@rackwareinc.com to get the
  2. 從 Rackware 收到授權後,將授權檔案置於 /etc/rackware 底下。
  3. 您現在可以執行 '** rwadm start rackware'**