Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide

Sample Profiles

The following samples of profiles show how to use different profile keywords and profile values to control how the Solaris software is installed on a system. Syntax of Profile Keywords and Values contains a description of profile keywords and values.

Note –

Do not insert the numbers shown in the left column. They are footnotes that appear after the sample.

Mounting Remote File Systems and Adding and Deleting Packages

# profile keywords        profile values
# -----------------       -----------------
  install_type            initial_install  [This profile keyword is required in every profile.] 
  system_type             standalone  [This profile keyword defines that the system is to be installed
as a standalone system.] 
  partitioning            default  [The file system slices are determined by the software to be installed
(default value); however, the size of swap is set to 60 Mbytes and is installed on any disk (any value). The standard and OpenWindows man pages are mounted from
the file server, s_ref, on the network.] 
  filesys                 any 60 swap   # specify size of /swap
  filesys                 s_ref:/usr/share/man - /usr/share/man ro
  filesys                 s_ref:/usr/openwin/share/man - 
                                /usr/openwin/share/man ro,quota
  cluster                 SUNWCprog  [The Developer System Support software group (SUNWCprog) is installed on the system.] 
  package                 SUNWman delete  [Because the man pages are being mounted remotely, those
packages are not to be installed on the system; however,
the packages containing the OPEN LOOK and X Window System demonstration programs
and images are selected to be installed on the system.] 
  package                 SUNWolman delete
  package                 SUNWxwman delete
  package                 SUNWoldem add
  package                 SUNWxwdem add
  package                 SUNWoldim add
  package                 SUNWxwdim add

Specifying Where to Install File Systems

# profile keywords        profile values
# ----------------        -------------------
  install_type	        initial_install
  system_type             standalone
  partitioning            explicit  [The file system slices are determined by the filesys keywords (explicit value). The size of root
(/) is based on the selected software (auto value) and is installed on c0t0d0s0; the size
of swap is set to 32 Mbytes and is installed on c0t3d0s1; and usr is based on the selected
software, and the installation program determines where it is installed (any value).] 
  filesys                 c0t0d0s0 auto /
  filesys                 c0t3d0s1 32 swap
  filesys                 any auto usr
  cluster                 SUNWCall  [The Entire Distribution software group (SUNWCall) is installed on the system. ] 

x86: Using the fdisk Keyword

# profile keywords      profile values
# ----------------      -------------------
  install_type          initial_install
  system_type           standalone
  fdisk                 c0t0d0 0x04 delete  [All fdisk partitions of type DOSOS16 (04 hexadecimal)
are deleted from the c0t0d0 disk.] 
  fdisk	             c0t0d0 solaris maxfree  [A Solaris fdisk partition is created on the largest
contiguous free space on the c0t0d0 disk.] 
  cluster               SUNWCall  [The Entire Distribution software group (SUNWCall) is installed on the system.] 
  cluster               SUNWCacc delete  [The system accounting utilities (SUNWCacc)
are not to be installed on the system.] 

Reallocating Disk Space for an Upgrade

# profile keywords         profile values
# ----------------         -------------------
  install_type             upgrade  [This profile upgrades a system by reallocating disk space.
In this example, disk space must be reallocated because some file systems
on the system did not have enough room for the upgrade.] 
  root_device              c0t3d0s2  [The root file system on c0t3d0s2 is upgraded.] 
  backup_media             remote_filesystem timber:/export/scratch  [A remote system named timber is to be
used to back up data during the disk space reallocation.] 
  layout_constraint        c0t3d0s2 changeable 100  [The layout_constraint keywords designate
that auto-layout can change slice 2 and 4 (the slices can be moved to another
location and their size can be changed) and that it can move slice 5 (the
slice can be moved to another location but its size stays the same) when it
tries to reallocate disk space for the upgrade.] 
  layout_constraint        c0t3d0s4 changeable
  layout_constraint        c0t3d0s5 movable
  package                  SUNWbcp delete  [The binary compatibility package (SUNWbcp)
is not installed on the system after the upgrade.] 
  package                  SUNWolman add  [This code ensures that the OPEN LOOK and X Window System
man pages and the universal multiplexor software are to be installed if they
are not already installed on the system. (All packages already on the system
are automatically upgraded.)] 
  package                  SUNWxwman add
  cluster                  SUNWCumux add
  locale                   de  [The German localization packages are to be installed on
the system.]