CNAB Delivery File Generation for Brazil


To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.

The Centro Nacional de Automação Bancária (CNAB) system is a Brazilian solution that establishes an interface for information exchange between companies, banks, and customers. The system provides payment file standards that enable the communication with banking institutions.

In Brazil, a delivery file is a payment file that contains information about your company's transactions involving bank payments, which you want to register with the bank.

For instance, if you use bank slips to receive payments, you need to register them with the bank before sending them to your customer. You can register the bank slip by sending its information in a delivery file.

The Federação Brasileira de Bancos (Febraban) defines different delivery file standards for making and receiving payments. Then, each bank further specifies the layouts of said files.

For more information about generating delivery files in NetSuite, see the following topics:

Related Topics

Payments for Brazil
Setup for Payments for Brazil
Payment Information in Transactions for Brazil
Applying Fine and Interest Charges on Sales for Brazil
Applying Fine and Interest Charges on Purchases for Brazil
Applying Discounts to the Payments of Sales for Brazil
Removing Installments from CNAB Delivery Files for Brazil
Importing CNAB Return Files for Brazil
Downloading Bank Slips for Brazil
Troubleshooting CNAB Files Processing

General Notices