Importing CNAB Return Files for Brazil


To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.

After you submit a delivery file to the bank, the banking institution sends you a return file. This file contains the bank response to the requests contained in the delivery file. You need to import the return file in NetSuite to update your transactions and payment statuses.

To import CNAB return files for Brazil:

  1. Go to Transactions > Bank > CNAB Return Files > New.

  2. In the Banking Information field, select the banking information record with which you want to associate the return file.

    When you select a banking information, the Subsidiary field displays the company associated with the banking information. To change the subsidiary, either select another banking information record, or edit the banking information record itself and associate it with a different company.

  3. In the Layout field, select the file layout you want to use to process the return file.


    If you select a layout that does not match the imported file, NetSuite does not process the file and the status of the CNAB return file remains as Pending. In this case, you must delete the pending record, create a new CNAB return file record, and select the appropriate layout. For example, to import a CNAB 400 file, select a layout compatible with the CNAB 400 standard.

  4. In the Standard field, select the format standard of the file.

  5. In the File field, select or upload the return file.

    If you have already uploaded the return file to your File Cabinet, select it. If you have not, you can upload it directly from the CNAB delivery file record.

    To upload the return file:

    1. Hover over the File field.

    2. Click the plus icon Plus sign icon.

      The File window opens.

    3. In the Attach From field, select Computer to attach a file from your local storage, or Web to attach a file by linking it from the internet.

    4. In the File Name field, enter a name for the file.

    5. In the Folder field, select the file cabinet to which to save the file.

    6. If you are attaching a file from the web, in the URL field, enter the URL to the file.

    7. If you are attaching a file from your computer, in the Select File field, click Browse and find the file you want to upload to NetSuite.

    8. In the Character Encoding field, select the proper character encoding for the file.

    9. Click Save.


      Ensure you upload a TXT file. Other file formats are not compatible.

  6. (Optional) To describe the return file and distinguish it from other return files, in the Memo field, enter a short description.

    The memo text appears on the standard view of the CNAB return files list.

  7. Click Save.

    NetSuite starts processing the return file. You can check the progress on the Status and Status Details fields.

  8. Refresh the page to update the status.

    Continue refreshing the page until the status is one of the following:

    • Processed

    • Failed

    The Processed status indicates that the return file was successfully imported.

  9. To view details about each row from the return file, click the Occurrences subtab.

    NetSuite lists each row from the return file and displays the transaction and installment information associated with it. The system also includes the status of the bank slips associated with each installment and other details about its processing in your account.

  10. To view details about the processing of the return file, click the Processing Logs subtab.

    NetSuite lists errors or warnings caught during the import of the return file. Review the status of the return file is Failed. You should address the errors before trying to import the return file again. For more information about troubleshooting the processing logs, see Troubleshooting CNAB Files Processing.

Related Topics

Payments for Brazil
Setup for Payments for Brazil
Payment Information in Transactions for Brazil
Applying Fine and Interest Charges on Sales for Brazil
Applying Fine and Interest Charges on Purchases for Brazil
Applying Discounts to the Payments of Sales for Brazil
CNAB Delivery File Generation for Brazil
Removing Installments from CNAB Delivery Files for Brazil
Downloading Bank Slips for Brazil
Troubleshooting CNAB Files Processing

General Notices