Example of Creating Earnings Element for Payroll

This example shows how to use the element template to create a regular earnings element, such as salary. After you create the earnings element, you must create at least one eligibility record for it.

Load these details:



Legislative Data Group

Vision Corp

Primary Classification

Standard Earnings



Element Name

Base Salary

Reporting Name

Base Salary

Effective Date


The table shows the responses that you provide to these questions:



What's the input currency?

US Dollar

Should every person eligible for the element automatically receive it?


What's the earliest entry date for this element?

First Standard Earnings Date

What's the latest entry date for this element?

Last Standard Earning Date

At which employment level should this element be attached?

Assignment Level

Do you want the element to be processed at Payroll Assignment level?|


Does the element recur each payroll period, or does it require explicit entry?


Process the element only once in each payroll period?


Can a person have more than one entry of the element in a payroll period?


Process and pay element separately or with other earnings elements?

Process and pay with other earnings

Tax this earning across multiple pay periods?


Prorate this earning across all periods during which it was earned, and consider it for Overtime calculations, such as for commissions, bonuses, incentives, and other nondiscretionary earnings?


Does this element have a limit on the amount which is exempt from Federal Tax?|


Does this element have a limit on the amount which is exempt at state level?


Do you want to default it to Federal level?


What's the calculation rule?

Flat Amount

What's the default periodicity of the element?


What's the periodicity conversion rule?

Standard Rate Annualized

How do you want the work units to be reported?


What's the work units conversion rule?

Standard Rate Annualized

Is this element subject to proration?


What's the proration group?

Entry Changes for Proration

What's the proration rate conversion rule?

Periodic Work Schedule Rate Annualized

What's the proration units?


Is this element subject to retroactive changes?


What's the retro group?

Entry Change for Retro

Use this element to calculate a gross amount from a specified net amount?


Should this element reduce regular earnings?


Should this element be included in the earnings calculation of the FLSA overtime base rate?


Should this element be included in the hours calculation of the FLSA overtime base rate?


Use this DAT file to create a regular earnings element.

MERGE|PayrollElementDetails|Base Salary|Base Salary|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Standard Earnings||Standard|2010/01/01
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|SpecCurrency|Input Currency|US Dollar
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Availability Rule|Should every person eligible for the element automatically receive it?|No
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Hire Process|What is the earliest entry date for this element?|First Standard Earning Date
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Terminate Process|What is the latest entry date for this element?|Last Standard Earning Date
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Processing Level2Tier|At which employment level should this element be attached?|Assignment Level
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Processing Asg Level|Do you want the element to be processed at Payroll Assignment level?|Yes
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|RecurringOrNonRecurringExcl|Does this element recur each payroll period, or does it require explicit entry?|Recurring
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Once Per Period-Earnings|Process the element only once in each payroll period?|Yes
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Multiple Entries|Can a person have more than one entry of this element in a payroll period?|No
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Process Period|Process and pay element separately or with other earnings elements?|Process and pay with other earnings
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|AnnualizationRule|Tax this earning across multiple pay periods?|No
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|AugmentRule|Prorate this earning across all periods during which it was earned, and consider it for Overtime calculations, such as for commissions, bonuses, incentives, and other nondiscretionary earnings?|No
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|FedLimitRule|Does this element have a limit on the amount which is exempt from Federal Tax?|No
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|FedLimitRuleValue|Enter Federal Tax Limit|0
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|StateLimitRule|Does this element have a limit on the amount which is exempt at state level?|No
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|StateLimitRule2|Do you want to default it to Federal level?|Yes
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|CalculationRule|What is the calculation rule?|Flat amount
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|AugmentCalculationRule|What is the calculation rule?|Flat amount
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Periodicity|What is the default periodicity of this element?|Periodically
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|PeriodConverFormulas|Periodicity Conversion Rule|Standard Rate Annualized
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|ReportUnitRule|How do you want the work units to be reported?|Hours
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|RateConverFormula|Work Units Conversion Rule|Standard Rate Annualized
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Proration|Is this element subject to proration?|Yes
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Proration Group|Proration Group|Entry Changes for Proration
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|ProrateRate|Proration Rate Conversion Rule|Periodic Work Schedule Rate Annualized
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|ProrationUnit|Proration Units|Hourly
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Retro|Is this element subject to retroactive changes?|Yes
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|RetroGroup|Retro Group|Entry Changes for Retro
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|IterativeInformation|Use this element to calculate a gross amount from a specified net amount?|No
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|Reduce Regular|Should this element reduce regular earnings?|No
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|FLSAEarnings|Should this element be included in the earnings calculation of the overtime base rate?|Yes
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|FLSAHours|Should this element be included in the hours calculation of the overtime base rate?|Yes
MERGE|PayrollElementQuestionnaire|Base Salary|Vision Corporation US LDG|AugmentFLSAEarnings|Should this element be included in the earnings calculation of the overtime base rate?|Yes