
Description of sys_typeid.gif follows
Description of the illustration sys_typeid.gif


SYS_TYPEID returns the typeid of the most specific type of the operand. This value is used primarily to identify the type-discriminant column underlying a substitutable column. For example, you can use the value returned by SYS_TYPEID to build an index on the type-discriminant column.

You can use this function only on object type operands. All final root object types--that is, final types not belonging to a type hierarchy--have a null typeid. Oracle Database assigns to all types belonging to a type hierarchy a unique non-null typeid.


The following examples use the tables persons and books, which are created in "Substitutable Table and Column Examples". Both tables in turn use the person_t type, which is created in "Type Hierarchy Example". The first query returns the most specific types of the object instances stored in the persons table.

SELECT name, SYS_TYPEID(VALUE(p)) "Type_id" FROM persons p;

NAME                      Type_id
------------------------- --------------------------------
Bob                       01
Joe                       02
Tim                       03

The next query returns the most specific types of authors stored in the table books:

SELECT b.title,, SYS_TYPEID(author)
   "Type_ID" FROM books b;

TITLE                     AUTHOR.NAME          Type_ID
------------------------- -------------------- -------------------
An Autobiography          Bob                  01
Business Rules            Joe                  02
Mixing School and Work    Tim                  03

You can use the SYS_TYPEID function to create an index on the type-discriminant column of a table. For an example, see "Indexing on Substitutable Columns: Examples".