Booting and Shutting Down Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Systems

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2014

x86: How to List GRUB Menu Entries

Use the list-menu subcommand of the bootadm command to list the GRUB menu entries that are currently on the system. This information is supplied by the grub.cfg file. The output of the command also includes the location boot loader configuration files, the default boot entry number, the autoboot-timeout value, and the title of each boot entry.

  • List the contents of the grub.cfg file.
    $ bootadm list-menu

    For example:

    $ bootadm list-menu
    the location of the boot loader configuration files is: /rpool/boot/grub
    default 0
    console graphics
    timeout 30
    0 Oracle Solaris 11 FCS
    1 Oracle Solaris backup-1
    2 Oracle Solaris 11 11.2 

    If you specify an entry title or entry number when running the command, that information is also displayed.

    $ bootadm list-menu -i entry-number

    For example:

    $ bootadm list-menu -i 0
         the location of the boot loader configuration files is: /rpool/boot/grub
         title: Oracle Solaris 11 FCS
         kernel: /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix
         kernel arguments: -B $ZFS-BOOTFS -v
         boot archive: /platform/i86pc/$ISADIR/boot_archive
         ZFS root pool: rpool