Transitioning From Oracle® Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.2 Automated Installer

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Updated: July 2014



AI  Seeindex iconAutomated Installer (AI)
AI criteria directives
compared to JumpStart keywordsindex iconComparing Rules Keywords and Criteria Directives
AI manifest directives
compared to JumpStart keywordsindex iconComparing Profile Keywords and AI Manifest Directives
AI manifests
converting JumpStart files toindex iconConverting JumpStart Rules and Profile Files
AI profiles
converting JumpStart files toindex iconConverting JumpStart Rules and Profile Files
any device translation
by js2ai commandindex iconHow the any Device Is Translated
any JumpStart rules file keywordindex iconComparing JumpStart Rules File Keywords and AI Criteria Directives
arch AI selection criteriaindex iconComparing JumpStart Rules File Keywords and AI Criteria Directives
arch JumpStart rules file keywordindex iconComparing JumpStart Rules File Keywords and AI Criteria Directives
archive_location JumpStart profile file keywordindex iconComparing JumpStart Profile File Keywords and AI Manifest Directives
Automated Installer (AI)
comparison with JumpStartindex iconSimilarities and Differences Between JumpStart and AI