Managing IP Quality of Service in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

IPQoS Configuration File

This section contains full details about the parts of the IPQoS configuration file. The IPQoS boot-time activated policy is stored in the file /etc/inet/ipqosinit.conf. Although you can edit this file, the best practice for a new IPQoS system is to create a configuration file with a different name. Tasks for applying and debugging an IPQoS configuration are in Chapter 3, Creating the IPQoS Configuration File Tasks.

The syntax of the IPQoS configuration file is shown in Example 6–3.

Example 6-3  Syntax of the IPQoS Configuration File
file_format_version ::= fmt_version version

action_clause ::= action {
     name action-name
     module module-name
     params-clause |  ""
action_name ::= string
module_name ::= ipgpc | dlcosmk | dscpmk | tswtclmt | tokenmt | flowacct 

params_clause ::= params { 
     params-stats |   ""
parameters ::=    prm-name-value parameters |  ""
prm_name_value ::= param-name param-value

params_stats ::= global-stats Boolean

cf_clauses ::= class-clause cf-clauses |
               filter-clause cf-clauses | ""

class_clause ::= class {
     name class-name
     next_action next-action-name
     class-stats | ""
class_name  ::= string
next_action_name  ::= string
class_stats ::= enable_stats Boolean
boolean ::= TRUE | FALSE

filter_clause ::= filter {
                name filter-name
                class class–name
filter_name ::= string