Managing Remote Systems in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

ProFTPD Files

The following table lists many of the files associated with the ProFTPD service and their functions.

Table 1-2  ProFTPD Files
File Name
Provides an additional control mechanism for each virtual host. The file should be placed in the home directory for the virtual host. See for more information.
Includes most of the configuration parameters that need to be defined in order for the ProFTPD service to function.
Includes information used by the ftpshut command.
Lists the users to be disallowed FTP login privileges. Provided for backward compatibility with the wu-ftpd service.
Lists log information for ProFTPD.
Includes tracking information for each current session, which is used by commands like ftpcount, ftptop, and ftpwho. See for more information.