Trusted Extensions User's Guide

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Updated: July 2014

Visible Features of Trusted Extensions

After you have successfully completed the login process, as explained in Chapter 2, Logging In to Trusted Extensions, you can work within Trusted Extensions. Your work is subject to security restrictions. Restrictions that are specific to Trusted Extensions include the label range of the system, your clearance, and your choice of a single-level or multilevel session. As the following figure illustrates, several features distinguish a system that is configured with Trusted Extensions from an Oracle Solaris system.

Figure 4-1  Trusted Extensions Multilevel Desktop

image:Screen shows labels on windows and panels, the trusted stripe with the trusted symbol and workspace label.
  • Label displays – All windows, workspaces, files, and applications have a label. The desktop provides label stripes and other indicators for viewing an entity's label.

  • Trusted stripe – This stripe is a special graphical security mechanism. In every workspace, the stripe is displayed at the top of the screen.

  • Limited access to applications from the workspace – The workspace provides access to only those applications that are permitted in your account.

  • Trusted Path menu – The trusted symbol provides access to the menu.