Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Dynamic Tracing Guide

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Updated: July 2014

Truncating Aggregations

When looking at aggregation results, you often care only about the top several results. The keys and values associated with anything other than the highest values are not interesting. You might also wish to discard an entire aggregation result, removing both keys and values. The DTrace trunc function is used for both of these situations.

The parameters to trunc are an aggregation and an optional truncation value. Without the truncation value, trunc discards both aggregation values and aggregation keys for the entire aggregation. When a truncation value n is present, trunc discards aggregation values and keys except for those values and keys associated with the highest n values. That is, trunc(@foo, 10) truncates the aggregation named foo after the top ten values, where trunc(@foo) discards the entire aggregation. The entire aggregation is also discarded if 0 is specified as the truncation value.

To see the bottom n values instead of the top n, specify a negative truncation value to trunc. For example, trunc(@foo, -10) truncates the aggregation named foo after the bottom ten values.

The following example augments the system call example to only display the per-second system call rates of the top ten system-calling applications in a ten-second period:

#pragma D option quiet

        last = timestamp;

        @func[execname] = count();

        trunc(@func, 10);
        normalize(@func, (timestamp - last) / 1000000000);
        last = timestamp;

The following example shows output from running the above script on a lightly loaded laptop:

FvwmAuto                                                          7
  telnet                                                           13
  ping                                                             14
  dtrace                                                           27
  xclock                                                           34
  MozillaFirebird-                                                 63
  xterm                                                           133
  fvwm2                                                           146
  acroread                                                        168
  Xsun                                                            616

  telnet                                                            4
  FvwmAuto                                                          5
  ping                                                             14
  dtrace                                                           27
  xclock                                                           35
  fvwm2                                                            69
  xterm                                                            70
  acroread                                                        164
  MozillaFirebird-                                                491
  Xsun                                                           1287