Resource Management and Oracle® Solaris Zones Developer's Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2014

Report Pool Statistics for a Given Pool

The following example reports statistics for the designated pool.

The key points for the example include the following:

  • pool_query_pool_resources() gets a list of all resources in rl. Because the last argument to pool_query_pool_resources() is NULL, all resources are returned. For each resource, the name, load and size properties are read, and printed.

  • The call to strdup() allocates local memory and copies the string returned by get_string(). The call to get_string() returns a pointer that is freed by the next call to get_property(). If the call to strdup() is not included, subsequent references to the string(s) could cause the application to fail with a segmentation fault.

printf("pool %s\n:" pool_name);
pool = pool_get_pool(conf, pool_name);
rl = pool_query_pool_resources(conf, pool, &nelem, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < nelem; i++) {
  pool_get_property(conf, pool_resource_to_elem(conf, rl[i]), "type", pval);
  pool_value_get_string(pval, &type);
  type = strdup(type);
  snprintf(prop_name, 32, "%s.%s", type, "name");
  pool_get_property(conf, pool_resource_to_elem(conf, rl[i]), 
        prop_name, pval);
  pool_value_get_string(val, &res_name);
  res_name = strdup(res_name);
  snprintf(prop_name, 32, "%s.%s", type, "load");
  pool_get_property(conf, pool_resource_to_elem(conf, rl[i]), 
        prop_name, pval);
  pool_value_get_uint64(val, &load);
  snprintf(prop_name, 32, "%s.%s", type, "size");
  pool_get_property(conf, pool_resource_to_elem(conf, rl[i]), 
        prop_name, pval);
  pool_value_get_uint64(val, &size);
  printf("resource %s: size %llu load %llu\n", res_name, size, load);