STREAMS Programming Guide

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Updated: July 2014

STREAMS Multiplexers

STREAMS-related system calls are used to set up the “plumbing,” or stream interconnections, for multiplexing drivers. The subset of these calls that allows a user to connect (and disconnect) streams below a driver is referred to as multiplexing. This type of connection is referred to as a one-to-M, or lower, multiplexer configuration. This configuration must always contain a multiplexing driver, which is recognized by STREAMS as having special characteristics.

Multiple streams can be connected above a driver by open(2) calls. This accommodates the loop-around driver and the driver that handled multiple minor devices in Chapter 9, STREAMS Drivers. There is no difference between the connections to these drivers. Only the functions performed by the driver are different. In the multiplexing case, the driver routes data between multiple streams. In the device driver case, the driver routes data between user processes and associated physical ports. Multiplexing with streams connected above is referred to as an N-to-1, or upper, multiplexer. STREAMS does not provide any facilities beyond open and close to connect or disconnect upper streams for multiplexing.

From the driver's perspective, upper and lower configurations differ only in the way they are initially connected to the driver. The implementation requirements are the same: route the data and handle flow control. All multiplexer drivers require special developer-provided software to perform the multiplexing data routing and to handle flow control. STREAMS does not directly support flow control among multiplexed streams. M-to-N multiplexing configurations are implemented by using both of these mechanisms in a driver.

As discussed in Chapter 9, STREAMS Drivers, the multiple streams that represent minor devices are actually distinct streams in which the driver keeps track of each stream attached to it. The STREAMS subsystem does not recognize any relationship between the streams. The same is true for STREAMS multiplexers of any configuration. The multiplexed streams are distinct and the driver must be implemented to do most of the work.

In addition to upper and lower multiplexers, more complex configurations can be created by connecting streams containing multiplexers to other multiplexer drivers. With such a diversity of needs for multiplexers, providing general-purpose multiplexer drivers is not possible. Rather, STREAMS provides a general purpose multiplexing facility. The facility enables you to set up the intermodule or driver plumbing to create multiplexer configurations of generally unlimited interconnection.