Remote Administration Daemon Developer Guide

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Updated: July 2014

Connecting to RAD

Communication with a RAD instance is provided through the Connection class. There are various factory interfaces to get different types of connections to a RAD instance. Each mechanism returns a Connection instance which provides a standard interface to interact with RAD. The connection can be closed with the close() method.

Connecting to a Local Instance

Implicit authentication is performed against your user id and most RAD tasks you request with this connection are performed with the privileges available to your user account.

Example 3-15   Creating a Local Connection

Connection con = Connection.connectUnix();

//do something with con

Connecting to a Remote Instance and Authenticating

When connecting to a remote instance, there is no implicit authentication, so the connection is not useful until authentication is performed. The package provides a utility class (RadPamHandler) which may be used to perform a PAM login. If you supply a locale, username and password, authentication proceeds in a non-interactive fashion. If locale is null, then "C" is used.

Here is an example for Remote Connection to a TCP instance on port 7777

Example 3-16  Remote Connection to a TCP instance on port 7777

Connection con = Connection.connectTCP("henry", 7777);
System.out.println("Connected: " + con.toString());
RadPamHandler hdl = new RadPamHandler(con);
hdl.login("C", "user", "password"); // First argument is locale