Securing Users and Processes in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

How Privileges Are Used

Privileges are built into Oracle Solaris. This section describes how Oracle Solaris uses privileges with devices, in resource management, and with legacy applications.

How Processes Get Privileges

Processes can inherit privileges or be assigned privileges. A process inherits privileges from its parent process. At login, the user's initial inheritable set of privileges determines which privileges are available to the user's processes. All child processes of the user's initial login inherit that set.

You can also directly assign privileges to programs, users, roles, and specific resources. When a program requires privileges, you assign the privileges to the program's executable in a rights profile. Users or roles that are permitted to run the program are assigned the profile that includes the program. At login or when a profile shell is opened, the program runs with privilege when the program's executable is typed in the profile shell. For example, a role that includes the Object Access Management profile is able to run the chmod command with the file_chown privilege, and therefore can change the ownership of a file that the role does not own.

When a role or user runs a program that has been directly assigned an additional privilege, the assigned privilege is added to the role or user's inheritable set. Child processes of the program that was assigned privileges inherit the privileges of the parent. If the child process requires more privileges than the parent process, the child process must be directly assigned those privileges.

Programs that are coded to use privileges are called privilege-aware programs. A privilege-aware program enables and disables the use of privilege during program execution. To succeed in a production environment, the program must be assigned the privileges that the program enables and disables. Before you make a privilege-aware program available, you assign to the executable only the privileges that the program needs. You then test the program to see that the program succeeds in performing its tasks. You also check that the program does not abuse its use of privileges.

For examples of privilege-aware code, see Chapter 2, Developing Privileged Applications, in Developer’s Guide to Oracle Solaris 11 Security . To assign privileges to a program that requires privileges, see Example 4–1 and Example 5–7.

Privileges and Devices

In the rights model, privileges protect system interfaces that in the superuser model are protected by file permissions alone. In a system with privileges, file permissions are too weak to protect the interfaces. A privilege such as proc_owner could override file permissions and then gain full access to the system.

Therefore, in Oracle Solaris, ownership of the device directory is not sufficient to open a device. For example, members of the group sys are no longer automatically allowed to open the /dev/ip device. The file permissions on /dev/ip are 0666, but the net_rawaccess privilege is also required to open the device.

Because device policy is controlled by privileges, you have more flexibility in granting permission to open devices. Privilege requirements are configurable for the device policy and for the driver proper. You can configure the privilege requirements when installing, adding, or updating a device driver.

For more information, see the add_drv (1M) , devfsadm (1M) , getdevpolicy (1M) , and update_drv (1M) man pages.

Privileges and Resource Management

In Oracle Solaris, you can use the project.max-locked-memory and zone.max-locked-memory resource controls to limit the memory consumption of processes that are assigned the PRIV_PROC_LOCK_MEMORY privilege. This privilege allows a process to lock pages in physical memory.

If you assign the PRIV_PROC_LOCK_MEMORY privilege to a rights profile, you can give the processes that have this privilege the ability to lock all memory. As a safeguard, set a resource control to prevent the user of the privilege from locking all memory. For privileged processes that run in a non-global zone, set the zone.max-locked-memory resource control. For privileged processes that run on a system, create a project and set the project.max-locked-memory resource control. For information about these resource controls, see Chapter 6, About Resource Controls, in Administering Resource Management in Oracle Solaris 11.2 and Chapter 2, Non-Global Zone Configuration Overview, in Introduction to Oracle Solaris Zones .

Legacy Applications and the Use of Privileges

To accommodate legacy applications, the implementation of privileges works with both the superuser and the rights models. The kernel automatically tracks the PRIV_AWARE flag, which indicates that a program has been designed to work with privileges. Consider a child process that is not aware of privileges. Any privileges that were inherited from the parent process are available in the child's permitted and effective sets. If the child process sets a UID to 0, the child process might not have full superuser rights. The process's effective and permitted sets are restricted to those privileges in the child's limit set. Thus, the limit set of a privilege-aware process restricts the root privileges of child processes that are not aware of privileges.

Debugging Use of Privilege

Oracle Solaris provides tools to debug privilege failure. The ppriv command and the truss command provide debugging output. For examples, see the ppriv (1) man page. For examples, see Troubleshooting Rights. You can also use the dtrace command. For more information, see the dtrace (1M) man page and Oracle Solaris 11.2 Dynamic Tracing Guide .