Configuring and Administering Network Components in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: September 2014

Creating Locations

A Location profile contains properties that define network configuration values that are not directly related to basic link and IP connectivity. Some examples include naming service and IP Filter settings that are applied together, when required. Exactly one Location profile and one NCP must be active on the system at all times.

You create Location profiles by using the netcfg command either interactively or in command-line mode. When you create a Location profile, you set properties for the Location by specifying values that define the particular configuration parameters when that particular Location is enabled. Location properties are categorized by group, where the group signifies a particular class of configuration preferences.

Location properties are also stored in a repository. When a particular Location is enabled, its properties are automatically applied to the running system. Creating and modifying Location profiles also involves setting properties that define when a particular Location is enabled. The properties that you are presented with during the configuration process are based on property values that were previously set.

For a complete description of all of the Location profile properties, including any rules, conditions, and dependencies that might apply when specifying any of these properties, see the netcfg(1M) man page.

How to Create a Location Interactively

The following procedure describes how to create a Location profile. The “walk” process that is performed during the initial profile creation only prompts you for those properties that are applicable, given the values that you entered previously.

  1. Initiate the netcfg interactive session.
    $ netcfg
  2. Create the Location profile.

    In the following example, a Location named office is created:

    netcfg> create loc office
    Created loc 'office'. Walking properties ...
    activation-mode (manual) [manual|conditional-any|conditional-all]> conditional-any
    conditions> ncu ip:net0 is active
    nameservices (dns) [dns|files|nis|ldap]>
    nameservices-config-file ("/etc/nsswitch.dns")>
    dns-nameservice-configsrc (dhcp) [manual|dhcp]>
    ipfilter-config-file> /export/home/test/wifi.ipf.conf
    ike-config-file> /etc/inet/ike/ikev1.config

    Creating the Location automatically moves you to into the profile scope for the Location.

      In this example, the following properties were set:

    • The activation-mode property was set to conditional-any, which resulted in a command prompt that enabled the conditions for activation to be specified.

    • The condition for activation of the location was specified as ncu ip:net0 is active.

    • For the ipfilter-config-file property, the /export/home/test/wifi.ipf.conf file was specified.

    • For the ike-config-file property, the /etc/inet/ike/ikev1.config file was specified.

    • For the remaining properties, the default values were accepted by pressing Return.

  3. (Optional) Display the profile configuration by using the list subcommand as follows:
    netcfg:loc:office> list
            activation-mode                 conditional-any
            conditions                      "ncu ip:net0 is active"
            enabled                         false
            nameservices                    dns
            nameservices-config-file        "/etc/nsswitch.dns"
            dns-nameservice-configsrc       dhcp
            ipfilter-config-file            "/export/home/test/wifi.ipf.conf"
            ike-config-file                 "/etc/inet/ike/ikev1.config"
  4. Verify that the profile configuration is correct.
    netcfg:loc:office> verify
    All properties verified

    The verify subcommand verifies the configuration and notifies you if any required values are missing.

  5. When you have verified the configuration, save the Location.
    netcfg:loc:office> commit
    Committed changes

    Alternatively, you can use the end subcommand to end the session, which also saves the profile configuration and moves the session to the global scope.

    netcfg:loc:office> end
    Committed changes
  6. Exit the interactive session.
    netcfg> exit