Working With Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Directory and Naming Services: LDAP

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Updated: July 2014

Defining Local Client Attributes

Chapter 3, Planning Requirements for LDAP Naming Services described the attributes of the LDAP client profile that define to configure the LDAP server. The profile with those attributes are set up on the server by using the idsconfig command.

Other client attributes can be set up locally by using the ldapclient command. The following table lists these attributes.

Table 5-1  Local LDAP Client Attributes
Specifies the administrator entry's distinguished name for the admin credential. If the value of the enableShadowUpdate switch is true on the client system and credentialLevel has a value other than self, then adminDN must be specified.
Specifies the administrator entry's password for the admin credential. If the value of the enableShadowUpdate switch is true on the client system and credentialLevel has a value other than self, then adminPassword must be defined.
Specifies the client's domain name (which becomes the default domain for the client system). This attribute has no default value and must be specified.
The proxy's distinguished name. If the client system is configured with credentialLevel set to proxy, the proxyDN must be specified.
The proxy's password. If the client system is configured with credentialLevel set to proxy, proxyPassword must be defined.
The directory on the local file system containing the certificate databases. If a client system is configured with authenticationMethod or serviceAuthenticationMethod using TLS, then this attribute is used. The default value is /var/ldap.

Note -  If the BaseDN in an SSD contains a trailing comma, it is treated as a relative value of the defaultSearchBase. The values of the defaultSearchBase are appended to the BaseDN before a search is performed.