Updating to Oracle Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

How to Update a System Running 11 11/11 with an SRU to Oracle Solaris 11.2

Some of the updates that were made to the 11 11/11 release require manual steps to complete the update process. A consequence of these changes is that you can not update your system with one command and have different steps to do to complete an update to 11.2 depending on which SRU is installed on your system.

Before You Begin

Make sure to verify which Oracle Solaris 11 SRU you have installed. For instructions, see How to Verify Which SRU a System Is Running.

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  2. For installed SRUs earlier than SRU #10.5, update the system to SRU #10.5.

    This command creates a new boot environment which includes SRU #10.5. After this update is complete follow the instructions in step 4 to complete the update to 11.2.

    # pkg update --accept entire@0.5.11,5.11- 
    # reboot
  3. For installed SRUs from #10.5 and later, update the system to 11.2.
    1. SPARC only: For each zone, remove the ldomsmanager package.

      For any SPARC based system that has one or more zones installed, you must perform an additional step. For each zone installed on the system, remove the pkg:/system/ldoms/ldomsmanager package as follows:

      # for z in `zoneadm list`; do zlogin $z pkg uninstall ldomsmanager; done
    2. Update the IPS package.
      # pkg update package/pkg

        Due to earlier bugs in some packages, it was possible to incorrectly install those packages on a system. This command removes the following bad packages, if they are installed:

      • x86: pkg:/consolidation/ldoms/ldoms-incorporation

      • SPARC:

        • pkg:/consolidation/nvidia/nvidia-incorporation

        • pkg:/driver/network/ethernet/elxl

        • pkg:/driver/network/ethernet/pcn

        • pkg:/driver/network/ethernet/dnet

        • pkg:/driver/network/ethernet/iprb

    3. Update the remaining system packages.
      # pkg update --accept
    4. Reboot using the updated boot environment.
      # init 6