Managing Faults in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

fmadm acquit Command

Use the acquit subcommand if you determine that the indicated resource is not the cause of the fault. Usually the Fault Manager automatically acquits some suspects in a multi-element suspect list. Acquittal can occur implicitly as the Fault Manager refines the diagnosis, for example if additional error events occur. Sometimes Support Services gives you instructions to perform a manual acquittal.

Replacement takes precedence over repair, and both replacement and repair take precedence over acquittal. Thus, you can acquit a component and then subsequently repair the component, but you cannot acquit a component that has already been repaired.

If you do not specify any FMRI or label with the UUID, then the entire event is identified as able to be ignored. A case is considered repaired when the fault event UUID is acquitted.

fmadm acquit UUID

Acquit by FMRI or label with no UUID only if you determine that the resource is not a factor in any current cases in which that resource is a suspect. If multiple faults are currently reported against one FRU, the FRU shows as acquitted in all cases.

fmadm acquit FMRI
fmadm acquit label

To acquit a resource in one case and keep that resource as a suspect in other cases, specify both the fault event UUID and the resource FMRI or both the UUID and the resource label, as shown in the following examples:

fmadm acquit FMRI UUID
fmadm acquit label UUID