Module java.base

Interface AnnotatedType

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AnnotatedArrayType, AnnotatedParameterizedType, AnnotatedTypeVariable, AnnotatedWildcardType

public interface AnnotatedType extends AnnotatedElement
AnnotatedType represents the potentially annotated use of a type in the program currently running in this VM. The use may be of any type in the Java programming language, including an array type, a parameterized type, a type variable, or a wildcard type. Note that any annotations returned by methods on this interface are type annotations (JLS 9.7.4) as the entity being potentially annotated is a type.
See Java Language Specification:
4.1 The Kinds of Types and Values
4.2 Primitive Types and Values
4.3 Reference Types and Values
4.4 Type Variables
4.5 Parameterized Types
4.8 Raw Types
4.9 Intersection Types
10.1 Array Types