Module java.desktop

Interface AttributeSet

All Known Subinterfaces:
MutableAttributeSet, Style
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDocument.AbstractElement, AbstractDocument.BranchElement, AbstractDocument.LeafElement, DefaultStyledDocument.SectionElement, HTMLDocument.BlockElement, HTMLDocument.RunElement, SimpleAttributeSet, StyleContext.NamedStyle, StyleContext.SmallAttributeSet

public interface AttributeSet
A collection of unique attributes. This is a read-only, immutable interface. An attribute is basically a key and a value assigned to the key. The collection may represent something like a style run, a logical style, etc. These are generally used to describe features that will contribute to some graphical representation such as a font. The set of possible keys is unbounded and can be anything. Typically View implementations will respond to attribute definitions and render something to represent the attributes.

Attributes can potentially resolve in a hierarchy. If a key doesn't resolve locally, and a resolving parent exists, the key will be resolved through the parent.

See Also: