Interface VectorSpecies<E>

Type Parameters:
E - the boxed version of ETYPE, the element type of a vector

public interface VectorSpecies<E>
Interface for managing all vectors of the same combination of element type (ETYPE) and shape.
API Note:
User code should not implement this interface. A future release of this type may restrict implementations to be members of the same package.
Implementation Note:
The string representation of an instance of this interface will be of the form "Species[ETYPE, VLENGTH, SHAPE]", where ETYPE is the primitive lane type, VLENGTH is the vector lane count associated with the species, and SHAPE is the vector shape associated with the species.

Vector species objects can be stored in locals and parameters and as static final constants, but storing them in other Java fields or in array elements, while semantically valid, may incur performance penalties.