Module jdk.jdi
Package com.sun.jdi

Interface ReferenceType

All Superinterfaces:
Accessible, Comparable<ReferenceType>, Mirror, Type
All Known Subinterfaces:
ArrayType, ClassType, InterfaceType

public interface ReferenceType extends Type, Comparable<ReferenceType>, Accessible
The type of an object in a target VM. ReferenceType encompasses classes, interfaces, and array types as defined in The Java Language Specification. All ReferenceType objects belong to one of the following subinterfaces: ClassType for classes, InterfaceType for interfaces, and ArrayType for arrays. Note that primitive classes (for example, the reflected type of Integer.TYPE) are represented as ClassType. The VM creates Class objects for all three, so from the VM perspective, each ReferenceType maps to a distinct Class object.

ReferenceTypes can be obtained by querying a particular ObjectReference for its type or by getting a list of all reference types from the VirtualMachine.

ReferenceType provides access to static type information such as methods and fields and provides access to dynamic type information such as the corresponding Class object and the classloader.

Any method on ReferenceType which directly or indirectly takes ReferenceType as an parameter may throw VMDisconnectedException if the target VM is disconnected and the VMDisconnectEvent has been or is available to be read from the EventQueue.

Any method on ReferenceType which directly or indirectly takes ReferenceType as an parameter may throw VMOutOfMemoryException if the target VM has run out of memory.

Any method on ReferenceType or which directly or indirectly takes ReferenceType as parameter may throw ObjectCollectedException if the mirrored type has been unloaded.

See Also: