Regenerating Load Plans

Load Plans that were originally generated in the ODI Repository for do not exist in the ODI Repository for

The steps to transfer content from the repository to the repository do not include transferring the original load plans. The load plans will not reflect any changes introduced as part of the upgrade, hence you need to generate a new load plan.

Configuration Manager retains the load plan definitions on upgrade even though any metadata associated with this load plan that was stored in ODI is no longer available. Use these existing definitions in Configuration Manager to regenerate load plans including Domains Only Load Plans. Note that any tasks that had previously executed pre-upgrade will execute in incremental mode post-upgrade while any new tasks that may be introduced in the generated load plan will initially execute in full mode.

To regenerate load plans:
  1. Log into Configuration Manager as the BI Applications Administrator user.
  2. Navigate to Manage Load Plans.
  3. Regenerate all load plans including the Domains-Only load plans.

    See Configuration Manager online help for the Manage Load Plans screen and Generating Load Plans, Oracle Business Intelligence Applications ETL Guide.