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Defining Receivables QuickCodes

QuickCodes display as list of value choices throughout the system to help speed data entry and accuracy. Receivables provides many QuickCodes types for you. Some QuickCodes types can be updated to suit your business needs; other types are not user maintainable. You cannot update a QuickCode type if Receivables requires those settings for its own internal use. For example, you cannot update attributes of the 'Tax Classfication' QuickCode type.

You can create new QuickCode Types and define as many additional QuickCodes as you want in the Receivables QuickCodes window. For example, you can define additional QuickCodes to the QuickCode Type 'Collector Actions' to describe your collection actions. Receivables displays these QuickCodes as list of values choices for the Action field in the Call Actions window.

The following sections group the predefined Receivables QuickCodes by their function and provide a brief description of where each is used within the system.

See Also

Reviewing and Updating Receivables QuickCodes

Customer QuickCodes

Customer Profile QuickCodes

Transaction Quickcodes

Collections Quickcodes

Receipt Quickcodes

Demand Class QuickCodes

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