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Deleting Items, Bills, Routings, Components, and Operations

Set up groups of entities to check, delete and optionally archive. Entities can include items, bills of material, components, routings, or operations.

What entities you can delete depends on what Oracle application you are currently using and what applications you have installed.

Deleting physically removes information from the database tables. Deleted bill or routing information can be archived to database tables. (You cannot archive item-level information.) You can then write custom programs to report on the archived data. Summary information is saved for all deletion groups. You can report on deletion groups.

Several deletion constraints are installed with Bills of Material. However, you can define custom deletion constraints. If what you are attempting to delete does not pass deletion constraints, it is not deleted. For example, you can define a constraint that prevents you from deleting a bill of material for an assembly that has an item status of active.

When you delete an entire bill, you delete all the components for the assembly along with their reference designators and substitute items. When you delete a routing, all operations are deleted. For both bills and routings, any links to attachments are severed.

Oracle Work in Process reflects any changes to the bills or routings using the delete functionality only if you re-explode the bill or routing in Work in Process.

   To define a deletion group:

   To specify components to delete:

   To specify operations to delete:

   To check entities for deletion:

   To submit entities for deletion:

   To review errors:

See Also

Item Deletion

Deletion Constraints

Creating Custom Deletion Constraints

Deleting Components and Operations

Delete Items Report

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