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Defining Revenue Non Quota Compensation

Revenue non quota plan elements compensate for the actual amount of revenue the salesperson has earned. Oracle Sales Compensation calculates the revenue level a salesperson has achieved. It then uses that level of achievement to determine the compensation rate for each payment calculation.

The compensation rate can be based on a cumulative revenue level or on the revenue for each individual transaction. For example, if a salesperson who has achieved $10,000 in revenue achieves another $5,000 in a new transaction, Oracle Sales Compensation calculates the compensation rate differently depending on whether the revenue level is cumulative (in this case, $15,000) or per transaction (in this case, $5,000). See Defining Compensation Rates for more information about rate tables and see Defining Accumulative Commission.

This type of plan element is typically used to compensate external sales representatives where it is not appropriate to define a quota.

   To define Revenue Non Quota compensation:

See Revenue Non Quota Compensation Examples.

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